M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

Now I am indeed glad that we have resolved the pilferage assignment without implicatin’ any of the worker types I have been buddies with, but at the same time I am realizin’ that with the job over, I will not be around to help them out when the Doggie Doodle hits the fan.

“Well, that’s that, I guess. We’d better report in to the Boss and see what’s been happenin’ while we’ve been gone.”

“Is something wrong, Guido? You seem a little down.”

“Aaah! It’s nothin’. Bunny. Just thinkin’ that I’ll miss some of the guys back at the plant, is all.”

“Maybe not,” she sez, real mysterious like.

Now it’s my turn to give her the hairy eyeball.

“Now, Bunny,” I sez, “if you’ve got sumpin’ up your sleeve other than lint, I would suggest you share it with me. You know I am not good when it comes to surprises.”

“Well, I was going to wait until we got back home, but I suppose it won’t hurt to give you a preview.”

She looks around like there might be someone listenin’ in, then hunches forward so I can hear her whisper.

“I picked up a rumor back at the plant office that there may be a union forming at the magic factory. I’m going to suggest to Skeeve that we do a little prospecting . . . you know, put in a bid. Can you imagine what we could charge for breaking up a union?”

I develop a sudden interest in the ceiling.

“Uh, Bunny?” I sez. “I know you want to impress the Boss with how good you are at findin’ work for us, but I think in the longer run that it would be in the best interests of M.Y.T.H. Inc. to pass on this particular caper.”

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