M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

He broke off and shook his head.

“No,” he said with a ring of finality to his voice. “There’s no other way to handle it. I’ll just have to catch up with her and try to keep her from getting too out of hand. Which dimension did you say she was headed for again?”

The direct question finally snapped me out of the mindfreeze his explanation had put me in.

“Really, Chumley. Aren’t you exaggerating just a little? I mean, how much trouble could she cause?”

The troll sighed. “Ever hear of a dimension called Rinasp?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

“That’s because there’s no one there anymore. That’s the last place little sister went on a collection job.”

“I’ve got the name of the dimension here somewhere!” I said, diving into my paperwork with newfound desperation.

Chumley’s Tale

DASH IT ALL TO BLAZES anyway! You’d think by now that Skeeve would have the sense to look a bit before he leaped … especially when his leaping tends to involve others as it does! If he thinks that Tananda can’t … If he can’t figure out that even I don’t . . . Well, he has no idea of the way our Mum raised us, is all I’ve got to say.

Of course, one cannot expect wonders from a Klahd raised by a Pervert, can one . . . hmmm?? Well, Chumley old boy, time to muddle through one more time, what?

I must admit this latest collection assignment for Tananda had me worried. At her best little sister tends to lack tact, and lately . . .

As near as I can tell, there was bad blood building between her and Bunny. They had never really hit it off well, but things had gotten noticeably sticky since Don Bruce’s niece set her cap for Skeeve. Not that little sister had any designs on the lad herself, mind you. If anything, her feelings toward him are more sisterly than anything else . . . Lord help him. Rather it seems that it’s Bunny’s tactics that are setting Tananda’s teeth on edge.

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