M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“May I help you. Miss?” the twitty-looking fellow seated there said with a notable lack of sincerity.

“Yes. I’d like to see Mr. Hoos.”

That got us a long, slow once-over with the weak eyes, his gaze lingering on me for several extra beats. I did my best to look innocent . . . which is not that easy to do for a troll.

“I’m afraid that’s quite impossible,” he said at last, returning his attention to the work on his desk.

I could sense Tananda fighting with her temper and mentally crossed my fingers.

“It’s extremely urgent.”

The eyes flicked our way again, and he set his pencil down with a visible sigh.

“Then perhaps you’d better deal with me.”

“I have some information for Mr. Hoos, but I think he’d want to hear it personally.”

“That’s your opinion. If, after hearing it, I agree, then you might be allowed to repeat it to Mr. Hoos.”


Tananda seemed to recognize this as well.

“Well, I don’t want to start a panic, but I have it on good authority that this bank is going to be robbed.”

I was a little surprised by this, though I did my best not to show it. The bank manager, however, seemed to take it in stride.

“I’m afraid you’re mistaken, young lady,” he said with a tight smile.

“My sources are seldom wrong,” she insisted.

“You’re new to Arcadia, aren’t you?”

“Well . . .”

“Once you’ve learned your way around, you’ll realize that there isn’t a criminal in the dimension who would steal from Mr. Hoos, much less try to rob his bank.”

This Hoos chap was starting to sound like quite a fellow. Little sister, however, was not so easily deterred.

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