M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“What about a criminal from another dimension? Someone who isn’t so impressed with Mr. Hoos?”

The manager raised an eyebrow.

“Like who, for example?”

“Well… what if I and my friend here decided to…”

That was as far as she got.

For all his stuffiness, I had to admit the manager was good. I didn’t see him move or signal, but suddenly the bank was filled with armed guards. For some reason, their attention seemed to be centered on us.

I nudged Tananda, but she waved me off irritably.

“. . . Of course, that was simply a ‘what if.’ “

“Of course,” the manager smiled, without humor. “I believe our business is concluded. Good day.”

“But …”

“I said ‘Good day.’ “

With that he returned to his work, ignoring us completely.

It would have been bordering on lunacy to try to take on the whole room full of guards. I was therefore startled to realize little sister was starting to contemplate that very action. As casually as I could, I started whistling Gilbert and Sullivan’s “A Policeman’s Lot Is Not a Happy One” as a gentle reminder of the police station not half a block away. Tananda gave me a look that would curdle cream, but she got the message and we left without further ado.

“Now what, little sister?” I said, as tactfully as I could manage.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

I thought about that for a few moments.

“No,” I admitted frankly. “Seems to me you’ve come up against a dead end.”

‘ “Then you weren’t listening in there,” she said, giving me one of her smug grins. “The manager gave me a big clue for where to try next.”

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