M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

Her eyelashes fluttered like mad, and the vendor melted visibly.

“Name it.”

“Wellll . . . could you tell me where I could find a hardened criminal or five? You see, I’m new here and don’t know a soul I could ask.”

I thought this was a little tacky and fully expected the vendor to refuse the information in a misdirected attempt to shelter the pretty girl from evil influences. The old boy seemed to take it in stride, however.

“Criminals, eh?” he said, rubbing his chin. “Haven’t had much dealings with that sort for a while. When I did, though, they could usually be found down at the Suspended Sentence.”

“The what?”

“The Suspended Sentence. It’s a combination tavern/ inn. The owner opened it after getting off a pretty sticky trial. It seems the judge wasn’t wrong in letting him go, since he’s gone straight, as far as I can tell, but there’s a bad element that hangs out there. I think they figure some of the good luck might rub off on them.”

Tananda punched me lightly in the ribs and winked. “Well, that sounds like my next stop. Where’d you say this place was, old timer?”

“Just a couple of blocks down the street there, then turn left up the alley. You can’t miss it.”

“Hey, thanks. You’ve been a big help, really.” “Don’t mention it. Sure you wouldn’t like some juice?”

“Maybe later. Right now I’m in a hurry.” The old man shook his head at her retreating back.

“That’s the trouble with folks today. Everybody’s in such a hurry. Don’t you agree, big fella?”

Again I found myself torn between entering a conversation with this likable chap and watching over little sister. As always, family loyalty won out.

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