M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“That’s the part that really grinds me,” she snarled. “If she thinks she can just waltz in out of left field and take over Skeeve … I was about to say she’d have to do it over my dead body, but it might give her ideas. I don’t really want to have tasters munching on my food before I enjoy it. She’s got another think coming, is all I’ve got to say!”

I gave her my longest innocent stare.

“Why, little sister!” I said. “You sound positively jealous. I had no idea you entertained any romantic designs on Skeeve yourself.”

That slowed her pace a tad.

“Well, I don’t, really. It’s just that. . . blast it, Chumley, we helped raise Skeeve and make him what he is today. You’d think he could do better than some primping gold digger from Mobdom.”

“And just what is he? Hmmm?”

Tananda shot me a look.

“I’m not sure I follow you there, big brother.”

“Take a good look at what it is we’ve raised. Right now Skeeve is one of the hottest, most successful magician/businessmen in the Bazaar. Who exactly do you expect him to take up with for female companionship? Massha? A scullery maid? Maybe one of the vendors or come-on girls?”

“Well, no.”

I had a full head of steam now. Tananda and I rarely talk seriously, and when we do it usually involves her dressing me down for some indiscretion or other. I wasn’t about to let her slip away on this one.

“Of course Skeeve is going to start drawing attention from some pretty high-powered husband hunters. Whether we like it or not, the lad’s growing up … and others are bound to notice, even if you haven’t. In all honesty, little sister, if you met him today for the first time instead of having known him for years, wouldn’t you find him a tempting morsel?”

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