M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“This mysterious benefactor you mentioned … his name wouldn’t happen to be Hoos, would it?”

“That’s right, Chumley. Easily the finest man I’ve ever met. You see, I’m not the only one he’s helped out. Most of the people in this dimension have had some kind of hand up from him at one time or another. I’m not surprised you’ve heard of him.”

Tananda trotted out her best smile.

“That brings us to why I’m here. Weasel. I’m trying to find this Hoos character, and so far the locals haven’t been very helpful. Can you give me an introduction, or at least point me in a direction?”

The smile that had been on Weasel’s face disappeared as if he had just been told he was left out of a rich uncle’s will. His eyes lost their focus, and he licked his lips nervously.

“Sorry, Tananda, “he said. “Can’t help you there.”

“Wait a minute, old buddy.” Tananda’s smile was a little forced now. “You must know where to find him. Where do you make your payments on this place?”

“Made the last payment half a year ago. Now if you’ll excuse me …”

Tananda had him by the sleeve before he could take a step.

“You’re holding out on me. Weasel,” she snarled, abandoning any attempt at sweetness. “Now either you tell me where I can find this Hoos character or I’ll…”

“You’ll what? Wreck the place? You’re a little late there, sweetheart. You want the last chair, be my guest. It doesn’t match the rest of the decor now, anyway.”

From little sister’s expression, I was pretty sure what she was thinking of destroying wasn’t the chair, so I thought I’d better get my oar in before things got completely out of hand.

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