M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

She didn’t look around.

“It’s just that … oh, pook! Weasel’s right, and so are you. I’ve been charging around like a bull in a china shop, and all that’s been accomplished is that even my friends won’t help me out. Bunny’ll never let me forget it if I can’t even pull off a simple collection assignment.”

Squatting beside her, I put a reassuring arm around her shoulders.

“I think that may be your problem, little sister. You’re trying so hard to set a speed record to impress Bunny that you’re rushing things . . . even for you. Now, I suggest that we retire someplace and think things through a bit, hmmm? Forget about getting the Job done fast and just concentrate on getting it done.”

That perked her up a bit, and she even managed a weak smile.

“Okay,” she said. “Even though I still want to handle this on my own, I suppose there’s nothing wrong with using you for a consultant since you’re here. What I really feel like right now is a stiff drink to settle me down. I don’t suppose you’ve spotted anyplace besides the Suspended Sentence where we could …”

“Care for a glass of juice?”

We looked up to find the old boy with his vending cart smiling down on us. For a moment I was afraid that Tananda would snap at him, but she gave him a grin that was far more sincere than her earlier smile.

“Thanks, but I had something stronger in mind. And while we’re on the subject of thanks, I appreciate the information you gave me earlier … the second time, that is. I guess I was in too much of a hurry before to remember my manners.”

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