M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“I’d rather you didn’t,” the manager huffed, but there was a pleading note in his voice.

I saw that mischievous glint in the old boy’s eyes again and found myself wondering for the first time who had really framed Weasel just before he decided to reform. I think little sister caught it too.

“I don’t think any interest will be necessary, Mr, Hoos,” she said, taking the bag from him. “I’m sure my client will be happy with the payment as is.”

“Are you sure? Can’t I give you a little something for your trouble?”

“Sorry. Company policy doesn’t allow its agents to take tips. Weasel, you’ll send me a bill for the damages to your place?”

“You got it, sweetheart,” the bartender waved.

“There, now,” Hoos said, reaching into his cart. “I can cover that expense for you, at least.”

Tananda shook her head.

“It’s baked into our operating budget. Really, Mr. Hoos, I’m already working legit. I really don’t need any extra boosts. C’mon, Chumley. It’s time we were going.”

Waving goodbye to the others, I took my place beside her as she started the gyrations to blip us through to our home base on Deva.

“Perhaps I shouldn’t mention it, little sister,” I said softly, “but unless my eye for damage has deserted me completely, isn’t that bill going to come to more than our company’s share of the collection?”

“I said I’d cover it personally, and I will,” she murmured back. “The important thing is that I’ve completed this assignment in record time .. . and if you say anything to Bunny about the damages, I’ll make you wish you had never been born. Do we understand each other, big brother?”

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