M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“Everybody I’ve sent in to investigate gets tagged as a company spy before they even sit down,” Bane was saying. “Now, the word I get is that your crew has some contacts in organized crime, and I was figuring …”

He let his voice trail off, then shrugged as if he was embarrassed to complete the thought.

Bunny looked over at me, and I could tell she was trying to hide a smile. She was the niece of Don Bruce, the Mob’s Fairy Godfather, and it always amused her to encounter the near-superstitious awe outsiders felt toward her uncle’s organization..

“I think we can help you,” I said carefully. “Of course, it will cost.”

“How much?” Bane countered, settling back for what was acknowledged throughout the dimensions as a Deveel’s specialty . . . haggling.

In response, Bunny scribbled something quickly on her notepad, then tore the sheet off and handed it to Bane. The Deveel glanced at it and blanched a light pink.

“WHAT!! That’s robbery and you know it!”

“Not when you consider what the losses are costing you,” Bunny said sweetly. “Tell you what. If you’d rather, we’ll take a few points in your factory . . . say, half the percentage reduction in pilferage once we take the case?”

Bane went from pink to a volcanic red in the space of a few heartbeats.

“All right! It’s a deal … at the original offer!”

I nodded slightly. “Fine. I’ll assign a couple of agents to it immediately.”

“Wait a minute! I’m paying prices like these and I’m not even getting the services of the head honcho? What are you trying to pull here? I want …”

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