M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“That’s right. It seems he started building a motel complex counting on the fact that his would be the only lodging available in the area. Since he’s started construction, though, four others have either announced their intentions to build or have started construction themselves . . right on his doorstep. Of course, since his original plan didn’t include any competition, the design is more utilitarian than decorative. It’s going to make his place look real shabby by comparison, and he’s afraid of losing his shirt.”

“That’s bad,” Tananda winced. “So what does he want us to do about it?”

“Well, apparently our outfit is getting a bit of a rep for being miracle workers . . . you know, ‘If you’re really up against a wall, call THEM!’? Anyway, he wants us to come up with an alternate design or a gimmick or something to catch people’s attention so that his place will fill up before the competition rents out room one.”

“Us? The man must be crazy.”

“Crazy or desperate,” Bunny nodded. “I know we’d have to be crazy to take the job.”

I waited until they were done laughing before I ventured my opinion.

“I think we should take it,” I said at last.

I suddenly had their undivided attention.

“Really? Why should we do that?”

I steepled my fingers and tried to look wise.

“First off, there’s the fee … which, if I remember the letter correctly, was substantial even by our standards. Then again, there’s the very point you were raising: we’ve never done anything like this before. It’ll give us a chance to try something new . . . diversify instead of staying in a rut doing the same types of jobs over and over again. Finally …”

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