M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

I came around my desk and perched on the edge so I could speak more personally.

“The way I see it, the new design will have to be attention-getting, a real showstopper. Now when it comes to eye-catching displays, I think we’ve got just the person on our staff.”

Massha’s Tale

“ARE YOU SURE the great Skeeve sent you?”

Now I’ll tell ya, folks, I’m used to people over reactin’ to me, but this guy Hysterium seemed to be gettin’ a little out a hand. I mean, Deveels are supposed to be used to dealin’ with all sorts of folks without battin’ an eye. Still, he was the client, and business is business.

“What ya sees is what ya gets. Cute, Rich, and Desperate.”

It never hurts to spread a little sugar around, but this time the customer just wasn’t buyin’.

“The Great Skeeve? The one who runs M.Y.T.H. Inc.?”

This was startin’ ta get redundant, so I decided it was time ta put a stop to it once and for all. I heaved a big sigh… which, I’ll tell you, on me is really something.

“Tell ya what . . . Hysterium, is it? Never was much good with names. If you want I’ll go back and tell the Prez that you decided not to avail yourself of our services. Hmmm?”

All of a sudden, he got a lot more appreciative of what he was gettin’.

“No! I mean, that won’t be necessary. You … weren’t quite what I was expecting, is all. So you’re agents of M.Y.T.H. Inc., eh? What did you say your names were again?”

I don’t know what he was expecting, but I was willin’ ta believe we weren’t it … at least, I wasn’t. Even when I’m just lazin’ around I can be quite an eyeful, and today I decked myself out to the nines just ta be sure to make an impression. Of course, in my case it’s more like out to the nineties.

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