M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

Oh, yes. I was also wearin’ more than my normal allocation of jewelry, which, for anyone who knows me, means quite a lot. Ta save time, I won’t try to list the whole inventory here. Just realize I was wearin’ multiples of everything: necklaces, dangle bracelets, ankle bangles, earrings, nose rings … I went especially heavy on rings, seein’ as how this was for work. You see, not only are my rings a substantial part of my magical arsenal. Mom always said it wasn’t ladylike to wear brass knuckles, and my rings give me the same edge in a fight, with style thrown in for good measure.

Anyway, I really didn’t blame the client for bein’ a little overwhelmed when we walked in. Even though he bounced back pretty well, all things considered, I think it took the two of us ta prove ta him just how desperate he really was.

“Well, I’m Massha,” I said, “and my partner over there is Vic.”

Hysterium nearly fell over his desk in his eagerness to shake Vic’s hand. My partner was dressed stylishly, if sedately by my standards, in a leisure suit with a turtleneck and ankle-high boots. His whole outfit was in soft earth tones, and it was clear the Deveel had him pegged as the normal member of the twosome. Call it a mischievous streak, but I just couldn’t let it stand at that.

“Actually, Vic isn’t one of our regular staff. He’s a free-lancer we bring in occasionally as a specialist.”

“A specialist?” Hysterium noted, still shakin’ Vic’s hand. “Are you an interior decorator?”

My partner gave him a tight smile.

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