M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

He started rummagin’ through the papers on his desk.

“Wrong again. High Roller,” I said firmly. “You’re going to turn everything over to us and take a three-week vacation.”

The Deveel’s rummagin’ became a nervous fidget. I was startin’ ta see how he got his name.

“But… I thought I’d be overseeing things. It is my project, after all.”

“You thought wrong. Mister,” Vie said. “For the next three weeks it’s our project.”

“Don’t you want my input and ideas?”

Fortunately, Vic and I had talked this out on the way over, so I knew just what to say.

“Let me put it to you this way, Hysterium,” I said. “If you had any ideas you thought would work, you’d be tryin’ them yourself instead of hirin’ us. Now, three weeks isn’t a heck of a lot of time, and we can’t waste any of it arguin’ with you over every little point. The only way to be sure you don’t yield to the temptation of kibitzin’ and stay out from underfoot is for you not ta be here. Understand? Now make up your mind. Either you let us do the job without interference, or you do it yourself and we call it quits right now.”

The Deveel deflated slightly. It’s always a pleasure doin’ business with desperate people.

“Don’t you at least need me to sign the checks?” he asked weakly.

“Not if you contact the bank and tell ‘em we’re cleared to handle the funds,” I smiled.

“While you’re at it,” Vie suggested, “let the contractor know we’ll be making a few changes in the finishing work his crew will be doing. Say that we’ll meet him here first thing in the morning to go over the changes. Of course, we’ll need to see the blueprints right away.”

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