M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“Tell me. Vic. Your home dimension is entertainment oriented enough so that the competition for crowds has to be pretty heavy. What’s packin’ ‘em in these days, anyway?”

The vampire frowned for a few moments as he thought over my question.

“Well, it depends on what kind of clientele you’re after. You can go after the family groups or folks who have already retired. My favorite is the young professionals. They usually haven’t started their families yet or are passing on them completely, which means they’ve got both money and time. For that set, clubs are always big. If I really wanted to pull crowds into a new place, I’d probably open a good disco.”

“Now we’re talkin’. Do you think you could put one together in three weeks?”

My partner shook his head and laughed.

“Hold on a second, Massha. I was just thinking out loud. Even if I could come up with a plan for a club, there’s no room for it.”

Now it was my turn ta laugh.

“Vic, honey, if there’s one thing we’ve got it’s room. Look here …”

I flipped the blueprints to the drawin’s of the first floor.

“… What if we knocked out the inside walls here on the ground level? That’d give us all the space we’d ever need for your disco.”

“Too much space,” the vampire said, studyin’ the plans. “The key to one of these clubs is to keep it fairly small so people have to wait to get in. Besides, I’m afraid if we knocked out all the internal walls, there wouldn’t be enough support for the rest of the structure.”

An idea was startin’ ta form in my head.

“So try mis. We keep the whole outer perimeter of rooms . . . turn ‘em into shops or somethin’. That’ll give extra support and cut back on your club space. And if that’s still too big . . .”

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