M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“True enough,” the Geek nodded. “The Kid’s got class.”

“Right. Oh! Say, speakin’ a class, you might try to run down the Sen-Sen Ante Kid and offer him a permanent table of his own.”

The Deveel cocked his head at me. “No problem, but do you mind my asking why?”

“Well, the last time he was in the vicinity for that match-up with Skeeve, I got stuck baby-sitting that character assassin you fobbed off on us. That means I’m the only one on our team who didn’t get a chance ta meet him . . . and, from what I hear, he’s my kinda guy. Besides, he might appreciate settlin’ down instead of hoppin’ from game to game all the time. Aren’t any of us gettin’ any younger, ya know.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” the Geek said with a grimace. “Say, that might not be such a bad idea. Having the best Dragon Poker player at the Bazaar as a permanent player at the casino would be a pretty good draw.”

We talked a while more, but it was all detail stuff. The Geek was on board, and the casino was startin’ ta take shape.

Casinos may not be my forte, but nobody knows retail stores like yours truly. Bunny may be aces when it comes ta findin’ class outfits at decent prices, and Tananda sure knows her weapons, but when it comes ta straight-at-ya, no-holds-barred shoppin’, they both take a back seat ta Massha.

I had noticed this place long before the assignment came up, but it stuck in my mind so I thought I’d check it out. There were big “Going Out Of Business” and “Everything Must Go” sale signs all over the window, but they had been there for over a year, so I didn’t pay ‘em much heed.

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