M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

Anyway, I was talkin’ about Bunny and her problem. She finally managed to convince the Boss that she wasn’t really tryin’ to pair up with him, but was just interested in furtherin’ her career as a business type. Now this was a blatant lie, and we all knew it… even though it seems to have fooled the Boss. Even that green bum, Aahz, could see what Bunny was up to. (This surprised me a bit, for I always thought his main talent was makin’ loud noises.) All that Bunny was doin’ was switchin’ from one come-on to another. Her overall motivational goal has never changed.

The unfortunate circumstances of this is that instead of wooin’ the Boss with her bod, which as I have said is outstandin’, she is now tryin’ to win his admiration with what a sharp cookie she is. This should not be overly difficult, as Bunny is one shrewd operator, but like all dolls she feels she has limited time in which to accomplish her objective before her looks run out, so she is tryin’ extra hard to make sure the Boss notices her.

This unfortunately can make her a real headache in the posterior regions to work with. She is so afraid that someone else will mess up her performance record that she can drive a skilled worker such as myself up a proverbial tree with her nervous double-check chatter. Still, she is a swell doll and we are all pullin’ for her, so we put up with it.

“Yes, Bunny,” I sez.

“ ‘Yes, Bunny’ what?”

“Yes, Bunny, I’m sure I got my instructions right.”

“Then repeat them back to me.”



When Bunny gets that tone in her voice, there is little else to do but to humor her. This is in part because part of my job is to be supportive to my teammate when on an assignment, but also because Bunny has a mean left hook when she feels you are givin’ her grief. My cousin Nunzio chanced to discover this fact one time before he was informed that she was Don Bruce’s niece, and as he had a jaw like an anvil against which I have had occasion to injure my fist with noticeable results, I have no desire to confirm for myself the strength of the blow with which she decked him. Consequently I decided to comply with her rather annoying request.

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