M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

Check and mate.

“Okay, Aahz,” I said, looking mournfully at the unfinished work on my desk. “Just let me clear a few things with Bunny, and I’ll be right with you.”

Aahz’s Tale

JAHK HADN’T CHANGED MUCH from our last visit, but then these off-the-beaten-track dimensions seldom do. We were traveling in disguise, which we Pervects have gotten into the habit of doing when visiting a dimension we’ve been to before, and the Kid picked up the trick from me. You see, contrary to popular belief, Pervects don’t like to fight all the time, and the second time through a dimension we usually end up in a fight with anyone who recognizes us and figures they’re better prepared than the first meeting. This only confirms the belief we hold on Perv that the rest of the dimensions are antisocial and we’d best swing first to get the surprise advantage, not to mention doing our best to discourage off-dimension visitors whenever possible. Our dimension is unpleasant enough without having strange riffraff drifting through stirring up trouble.

Of course, being a Pervect wasn’t the only reason certain citizens of Jahk might want to hang our scalps out to dry. The last time we passed through here, we stirred things up pretty well with our surprise entry into their Big Game. As old and cynical as I may be, I have to smile when I think of the havoc we wreaked then.

“How long do you think this problem of Quigley’s is going to take, Aahz?” Skeeve said, breaking into my wandering thoughts.

“I really don’t know,” I shrugged. “I imagine we’ll have a better idea once he fills us in on exactly what the problem is.”

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