Magic in the Wind. CHRISTINE FEEHAN

“I’ll come by, Irene. I’m not promising anything, but I’ll stop by.” There was resignation in that gentle voice. Weari­ness. “My sisters will be coming in a day or so and as soon as we’re all rested we’ll stop by and see what we can do.”

“I know you think I’m asking for a miracle, but I’m not, I just want more time with him. Come when you’re rested, when the others have come and can help.” The relief Irene felt spilled over to Damon and he had no clue why. Only that the weight pressing on his chest lifted and his heart soared for a moment.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

The voices were traveling toward him. Damon waited, his heart pounding in anticipation. He had no idea what to expect or even what he wanted, but everything in him stilled.

The door opened and two women emerged to stand in the shadow of the wide, columned porch. “Thank you, Sarah. Thank you so much,” Irene said, clutching at Sarah’s hands gratefully. “I knew you would come.” She hurried down the stairs, straight past the dogs, who had rushed to their mistress. Irene managed a quick smile for Damon as she passed him, her tearstained face bright with hope.

Damon leaned on his cane and stared up at Sarah.

Chapter 2

SARAH STOOD ON the porch, her body in the shadows. Damon had no idea of her age. Her face seemed timeless. Her eyes were old eyes, filled with intelligence and power. Her skin was smooth and flawless, giving her the appearance of extreme youth, very much at odds with the knowledge in her direct gaze. She simply stood there quietly, her incredible eyes fixed on him.

“How did you get through the gate?”

It wasn’t what he expected. Damon half turned to look back at the wrought-iron masterpiece of art. The gate was six feet high and an intricate piece of craftsmanship. He had studied it on more than one occasion, noting the symbols and depic­tions of various animals and stars and moons. A collage of creatures with raw power mixed with universal signs of the earth, water, fire, and wind. Always before when he had come to stare at the house and grounds the gate had been firmly locked.

“It was open,” he replied simply.

Her eyebrow shot up and she looked from him to the gate and back again. There was interest in her gaze. “And the dogs?” Her hand dropped to one massive head as she absently scratched the ears.


“They gave me the once-over and decided I was friendly,” he answered.

A faint frown touched her face, was gone in an instant. “Did they? You must get along well with animals.”

“I don’t get along well with anything,” he blurted out be­fore he could stop himself. He was so shocked and embar­rassed at the admission he couldn’t find a way to laugh it off, so it remained there between them.

Sarah simply studied his face for a long while. An eternity. She had a direct gaze that seemed to see past his physical body and delve straight to his soul. It made Damon uncomfortable and ashamed. “You’d better come in and sit down for a while,” she said. “There’s a blackness around your aura. I can tell you’re in pain, although I can’t see why you’ve come yet.” She turned and went into the house, clearly expecting him to follow her. Both dogs did, hurrying after her, pacing at her heels.

Damon had been acting out of character ever since he heard that first whisper of gossip. He stood, leaning on his cane, wondering what had gotten into him. He’d seen the mighty Sarah. She was just a woman with incredible eyes. That was all. She couldn’t walk on water or move mountains. She couldn’t scale impossible cliffs or assassinate heads of terrorist organizations. She was just a woman. And probably as loony as hell. His aura was black? What the hell did that mean? She probably had voodoo dolls and dead chickens in her house.

He stared at the open door. She didn’t come back or look to see if he was following. The house had swallowed her up. Mysterious Sarah. Damon lifted his eyes to the gathering dark­ness, to the first stars and the floating wisps of clouds. It ir­ritated him but he knew he was going to follow her into that house. Just like her damn dogs.

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Categories: Christine Feehan