Make Mine Mars

“I don’t know,” I muttered, “Why did you dope me? Did Downing really go cra^y?”

“I poisoned you a little because Downing did not go crazy. Downing was under orders to keep you from sending out mat story. Probably after he had got you away from the ethertype he would have killed you if I had not poisoned you with some of my heart medicine. They realized while you were ill and feverish that it might as well be one as another. If they killed you, there would only be another newsman sent out to be inveigled into their gang. If they killed Downing, they could blame everything on him, you would never be able to have anything more than suspicions, and—there are a lot more Downings available, are there not?”

My brain began to click. “So your mysterious ‘they’ didn’t want a top-drawer story to center around Frostbite. If it did, there’d be follow-ups, more reporters, ICC people investigating the explosion. Since the news break came from Gammadion, that’s where the reporters would head and that’s where the ICC investigation would be based. But what have they got to hide? The political setup here smells to high heaven, but it’s no worse than on fifty other planets. Graft, liquor, vice, drugs, gambling—”

“No drugs,” said the furrier.

“That’s silly,” I told him. “Of course they have drugs. With everything else, why not drugs?”

He shrugged apologetically. “Excuse me,” he said. “I told you I was a reformer, and an idealist. I did not mention that I used to be an occasional user of narcotics. A little something to take the pressure off—those very small morphine sulphate tablets. You can imagine my horror when I emigrated to this planet twenty-eight years ago and found there were no drugs—literally. Believe me when I tell you that I— looked hard. Now, of course, I am grateful. But I had a few very difficult weeks.” He shuddered, finished his prune brandy and filled both our glasses again.

He tossed down his glass.

“Damn it all!” he exploded. “Must I rub your nose in it? Are you going to figure it out for yourself? And are you going to get killed like my poor friend, Kennedy? Look here! And here!” He lurched to his feet and yanked down “WHO’S WHO IN THE GALAXY” and the United Planets Drug Committee Report.

His pudgy finger pointed to:

“PARSONS, George Warmerdam, organic chemist, news-ppr pubr, b. Gammadion 172, s. Henry and Dolores (Warmerdam) P., studied Gammadion Chem. Inst. B.Ch 191, M.Ch 193, D.Ch 194; empl. dir research Hawley Mfg Co. (Gammadion) 194-198; founded Parsons Chem Mfg Labs (Gammadion) 198, headed same 198-203; removed Frostbite 203; founded newspaper Frostbite Phoenix 203. Author, tech papers organ chem 193-196. Mem Univ Organ Chem Soc. Address c/o Frostbite Phoenix, Frostbite.”

And in the other book:

“—particular difficulty encountered with the stupefiant known as ‘J-K-B.’ It was first reported on Gammadion in the year 197, when a few isolated cases presented themselves for medical treatment. The problem rapidly worsened through the year 203, by which time the drug was in widespread illicit interplanetary commerce. The years 203-204 saw a cutting-ofl of the supply of J-K-B for reasons unknown. Prices soared to fantastic levels, unnumbered robberies and murders were committed by addicts to obtain possession of the minute quantities remaining on the market, and other addicts, by the hundreds of thousands presented themselves to the authorities hoping more or less in vain for a ‘cure.’ J-K-B appeared again in the year 205, not confined to any segment of the inhabited galaxy. Supplies have since remained at a con-

stant level—enough to brutalize, torment, and shorten the lives of the several score million terrestrial and extra-terrestrial beings who have come into its grip. Interrogation of peddlers intercepted with J-K-B has so far only led back through a seemingly endless chain of middlemen. The nature of the drug is such that it cannot be analyzed and synthesized—”

My head spun over the damning parallel trails. Where Parsons tried his wings in chemistry, J-K-B appeared. When he went on his own, the quantity increased. When he moved to another planet, the supply was cut off. When he was established, the supply grew to a constant level and stayed there.

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Categories: C M Kornbluth