Marion Zimmer Bradley. The Forest House

“Is Dieda to take her vows now too?” They were all aware of Dieda’s bitterness over what she saw as Cynric’s defection, and now that he was proscribed, who could say when it would be safe for him to return? His commitment to the training of a warrior and his vengeance still commanded his first loyalty. Like the loyalty that holds Gains to his father’s world, Eilan thought.

“That is between her and the Goddess,” Caillean said sternly. “Now we are speaking of you. Is it still your wish to persevere among us, little one?”

Dieda will make her vows, and so shall I, Eilan thought. Why not, when neither of us can ever have the man we love?

“Yes, it is. At least —” she hesitated – “if the Goddess still wants me, knowing that my love was first given to a man.”

“That does not matter,” Caillean smiled radiantly. “The Goddess no longer regards anything that happened to you before you made your vows. I have finally told Lhiannon what happened to me, and she has assured me that is so. I owe that blessing to you, my dear, and I am glad to be able to pass it on!”

“There are some who would not see it that way,” Eilan said bitterly.

“You must not let them trouble you.” Caillean set her hands on Eilan’s shoulders and stared into her eyes, and it seemed to Eilan that the dark eyes of the priestess were like the sacred pool, in which past and future could be seen.

“Listen, little sister, and I will tell you the truth at the heart of the Mysteries. All the gods, and all the goddesses too, are one, whether we call her Arianrhod or Cathubodva or Don. The Light of Truth is One, but we see it as light reflects through crystals or prisms, in many colors. Each of the ways in which men and women see their gods – or their goddesses – has a part of that truth. We who live in the Forest House are privileged to see the Goddess in many ways, and to call Her by many names, but we know this first and greatest of all secrets, that the gods, whatever they are called, are all one.”

“Then does this mean that the gods of the Romans are the same gods and goddesses we serve?”

“Indeed — that is why they carve their images with the attributes of both when they build their votive altars here. But it is true that while we in the Forest House know the identity of all gods by whatever name we may call them, we believe that we serve the Goddess in perhaps Her purest form, as the divinity in all women. And so we pledge ourselves to serve Her as Mother, Sister and Daughter. This is why we sometimes speak of seeing the Face of the Goddess in the face of every woman.”

For a moment the exaltation in Caillean’s words held her, then Eilan felt a sudden spurt of anger. Why had they all been so angry at her interest in a Roman if their gods were all the same? Caillean had been present when she spoke with Gaius and knew how she felt about him. How could she say that those feelings would no longer matter once she had taken her vows? They were a part of her, as holy as the ecstasy she had felt sometimes when the presence of the Goddess filled her like moonlight glimmering on the sacred pool.

“What will be required of me?”

“You will take a vow to remain forever chaste unless you should be chosen by the god. And you will pledge that you will not speak foolishly of temple secrets to the unsworn, and that you will strive always to do the will of the Goddess and of anyone who shall command you lawfully in any of Her names.”

Caillean paused, watching her and Eilan reflected on how much she loved her, and had come to love the other women and the life they had there. She met the priestess’s dark gaze. “To all this I will willingly swear . . .”

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