Martian Knightlife by James P. Hogan

“It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed when Kieran showed her the cross. “A Martian design. I take it that’s a native rock?”

“More than just that,” Kieran said. “It has emanations. I believe it reradiates the influence of associations from long ago.”

“Really?” Marion allowed a moment of hushed reverence. “So, did you have any particular kind of arrangement in mind?”

“For the flowers? I leave that entirely to you.”

Marion cocked her head to study the sprays and bunches arrayed around them. “Let’s see . . . I think first, a crystal vase like that one to build it in . . .”


“And a white motif for a wedding. Something a little exotic . . . ? White orchids with Casablanca lilies, maybe with some snapdragon too.”

In the background, Leppo, wearing the white coat, came into the room behind another of the assistants. He identified the table of lilies that Kieran had briefed him on and moved casually over to it. “Not too pale,” Kieran said. “To me that would carry suggestions of a deathly shade. We should have a touch of color.”

“How about a blush of Bridal Pink Rose?” Marion pointed. “And variegated ivy with white and green in the leaf, like that.”

“Perfect! And a background of more green to set it off.”

Leppo had turned his back on the room and begun working rapidly, his shoulders hunched.

“Mixed ferns for body and support: maidenhair and Ming,” Marion pronounced.

“Could we add some of that?” Kieran pointed. “What is it?”

“Yes, lily grass. A spray to flow and move with the trailing orchids. An excellent choice. You must be a natural.”

“It’s really you. I pick up influences too—like the rock.”

“Now you’re being flattering. . . .”

* * *

Mullen reported the latest to “Mr. Z,” one of two “expediters” from the Firm, who were being sent to oversee the situation in Lowell and recover the lost quarter billion inner-system dollars. They were still a day or so out, inbound for Phobos.

“He went back to the Oasis and met up with his buddy, then kept an appointment. But it wasn’t with Thane. It was some Ali Baba screwball in a pyjama suit that showed up there this morning—seems like he knows the Gilder girl.”

“No connection with Thane?” the face on the screen checked.

“Nah. He’s still out in the desert with the professors . . .” Mullen turned his head to mutter at Balmer, who was following disconsolately, “like I said all along.”

“How is the recruiting progressing?” Z inquired.

“They’ll be up to strength by the time you get here. Two troop carriers and a gunship, loaded, plus command car.” The other thing Mullen had been doing was raise reinforcements to go back to Tharsis for Thane. If the other side wanted to play it tough, that was fine with the Firm. He went on, “I figure Leppo knows the score out there. He set us up. He’s at the Oasis now with his partner. I’ve got Brown and Black there with three soldiers. What do you want us to do?”

Z considered the situation for a few seconds. “Where is this force being assembled?” he asked.

“A warehouse at a place called Stony Flats—that’s a few miles outside the city. The flyers will leave from there to go out over the desert.”

“Leppo and the other are serving no useful purpose loose and could pose a risk,” Z pronounced. “Grab them now, but keep them there where you are for a while to cool off. Then bring them out to Stony Flats when we arrive, and we’ll all have a talk.”

“You’ve got it.” Mullen treated Balmer to a satisfied look as he cut off the screen and clicked in the code to make a call. “Sorry, Doc, but your guess didn’t pan out. We’re playing it our way now. And this time, you and Leo can come along for the ride too. I wouldn’t want you two to think you were missing out on anything.”

* * *

It was done. The doctored lilies had been packed and were being consigned to carry their message, and the final groups of wedding guests were departing for the shuttles up to Phobos. There was little more for Kieran to do now until they arrived at Asgard, and the ceremony and reception took place, which wouldn’t be until the next day. With the more immediate things taken care of, his concern turned back to Hamil and the people out at Tharsis. He had planned to go next with Leppo and Casey to Alazahad’s to check what progress Mahom had made in raising a protection force.

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Categories: Hogan, James