Martian Knightlife by James P. Hogan

“Incoming vessel identified,” the flight commander’s voice reported. “Military pattern command car.”

So, the Khal’s disappearance from the Oasis was explained, if not yet the reason for it, Gilder told himself. But why were he and the three people with him being detained by soldiers . . . ?

* * *

Kieran turned to look back at the ship that had descended to the shelf while the Guardian Angel was making its run in. It was a light transfer vessel, suitable for fast travel around the vicinity of Mars and capable of surface landings in thin atmospheres. It also carried the logo and markings of Zorken Consolidated. Somebody sent to check up on Banks and his crew, who were no longer here, was the only guess Kieran could hazard.

“Don’t make any fast moves. Keep your hands away from belts and weapons,” a voice said over the local channel. Mahom and the others looked at Kieran questioningly. Kieran could only shake his head and return a shrug—which probably wasn’t visible outside his suit. A figure with officer’s insignia, obviously the speaker, stepped forward from among the troopers.

“And to whom do we owe the pleasure?” Kieran inquired.

“I am Colonel Sedger, acting ground commander.”

“And by what authority do you command anything here?”

“I just follow orders. You can ask them in a few minutes.” Sedger gestured with an arm to indicate the direction to Kieran’s rear; at the same moment, Kieran became aware of the swelling sound of engines. He turned and saw that yet another craft was coming in to land. He identified it as a scout/reconnaissance type, painted desert camouflage to match the two carriers that had brought Sedger and his force. Typical, Kieran thought to himself. Now that the action was over and the area secured, the management in charge from Stony Flats was showing itself at last. Brown and Black would no doubt be there, itching to meet him again; possibly some high representation from the syndicate, too. He wondered if Sarda-One and Balmer had come out of hiding also to crow at the last act. The craft came down near the far end of the clear section of the shelf and began rolling toward them. Kieran raised both arms high and wide as he stood facing toward it. It was partly a reaction to the soldiers behind, showing that he and his companions were unarmed; partly, it simply acknowledged his acceptance of the situation. But to Gilder and the others watching from the ship that had just landed, it looked as if the Khal, facing his enemies serene and unperturbed, was invoking the intercession of Higher Powers.

Far above, Gottfried, responding erratically to Rudi’s attempts to reestablish control, gyrated in a wobbly circle and then toppled over a lip of rock to land on an unexploded charge left from the pilot borings made during the Zorken survey. Although small, the resulting explosion was enough to dislodge one of the lesser rocks wedged under the Citadel and preserving its balance on the plateau’s edge. The huge rock tilted, slid, tearing loose more rocks and debris, and then tumbled noisily and terribly, collecting sand and rubble to become a minor avalanche bearing down upon the shelf. It hit the command car broadside, engulfing it, and swept it over the edge to spill across the valley floor far below amid a pall of red-brown dust.


“And that was enough for Hamilton—and the rest of them, as far as I can gather. I mean, they saw it! All of the ringleaders and prime movers of those who threatened armed violence against the Khal, wiped out before their eyes. The obvious lesson was that the ones who had initiated violation of the ancient site would be next. Hamilton dictated a directive renouncing all claims on the area right there and then. Couldn’t sign it fast enough. It’s all Hamil’s now. He sounds as if he’s planning on setting up an archeological city there.”

It felt good to be back at June’s. She sat in her favorite pose, draped along the couch with a glass of vodka tonic. Guinness, by now over his excitement at having his master back again, was sprawled contentedly in the kitchen doorway with Teddy actually curled up close alongside, enjoying the warmth.

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Categories: Hogan, James