McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part two

“Each moment will be as a dagger in my heart, sweet and succulent spouse, but I will valiantly endure.”

They kissed and she departed.

To the communications officer, Hafiz said, “Please alert Maganos Base to have my nephew standing by when we arrive.”

A moment later the Maganos communications officer said in the high and low cracking voice of a boy going through puberty, which he no doubt was since the moon was now a training facility for youngsters and the trainees provided the personnel for almost every phase of the operation, “ShahrazaS, this is Maganos Base. We weren’t expecting Mr. Harakamian!”

“We’re aware of that, Maganos Base. That’s why Mr. Harakamian wishes to speak to his nephew. Can you contact him please and put him on screen?”

“I’ll try, Shahrazac). Just a tic.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne