McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Powers That Be. Chapter 7, 8

To Yana’s surprise they were back at the lean-to much sooner than she had anticipated. She helped Sinead hitch up the team to the sled and deposited the frozen small animals on the sled bench, and then they made a straight line back to where the deer was hung. Nothing had touched it.

By the time they reached Kilcoole, Yana taking turns with Sinead to ride the sled runners, it looked the same as it had when they left: no one about on the frozen track and lights coming up in the cabins as they passed.

“Need help skinning any of these?” Sinead asked as she deposited a fair half of the produce at Yana’s feet.

“I wouldn’t mind,” Yana admitted. “Though I could probably figure it out, I’ve never really done it before. I have done a little trapping and hunting, but seldom for food; mostly it was for specimens that needed to remain intact for examination and analyses.”

Sinead took charge, demonstrating the technique of placing the slits and peeling the coats back, stripping away connective tissue. “Ruining the hide wastes part of the critter’s gift to you, so you want to do it right. Sharp knife helps.” She helped Yana skin out her share, watching until she was satisfied that Yana had the knack. Yana found she learned skinning with a lot more ease than she did cooking.

Sinead pointed up to the crossbeams. “If you tie your catch up high out here on the porch, nothing’ll get ‘em. I’ll bring back your share of the reindeer when we’ve butchered it. And its hide. You have more need of it than we do.”

With Yana’s profuse thanks trailing after them, Sinead and her dogs went on up the track to the cabin she and Aisling shared.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne