McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 12, 13

“If the simple courtesy of returning what had been misplaced is always rewarded with such generosity, leave more with me!” Alessan’s eyes burned with amusement at his turn of phrase but it was Tuero’s full pack that he indicated.

Moreta could not but laugh. M’barak was looking from her to

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 229

Oriith, Tuero was aware that something had occurred but he couldn’t identify it.

“I didn’t take ail we needed,” the harper said as he looked from Weyrwoman to Lord Holder with a bemused smile. “That would have stripped your stores completely.”

“I shall be able to get replacements more easily than you, I think. As I was telling Alessan”—Moreta felt the need to dissemble—“I think there are old Records about this sort of animal vaccination, though I cannot remember the details. I would try the serum on a worthless beast—”

“Just now there are no worthless beasts at Ruatha,” Alessan said quickly, a slight edge to his voice. “I have no choice but to proceed and hope the animal vaccine is as efficacious as the human.”

“Did you inquire of Master Capiam?” Moreta asked, wishing that Alessan had not distanced himself from her quite so soon though she could appreciate the necessity.

“You know runners, not Master Capiam. Why rouse them if the notion was not feasible?”

“I think it is feasible.” Moreta put her hand urgently on Alessan’s arm, yearning to recapture some trace of their encounter. “I think you should inform the Healer Hall immediately. And keep me informed.”

Alessan smiled with polite acknowledgment and, under the pre-tense of a courteous pressure on her hand, his fingers caressed hers.

“You may be sure of that.”

“I know Oklina lives.” The words came in a rush from her lips as Alessan turned to leave. “Did Dag … and Squealer?”

“Why do you think I want so desperately to vaccinate the runners? Squealer may be the only full male I have left.” Alessan left, pausing briefly at the entrance to bow toward Oriith.

With a startled expression, Tuero hastened after him, and M’barak hurried after his two passengers.

Oriith crooned again, her many-faceted eyes whirling with flashes of red amid the predominant blue. Peeling rather limp after the spate of emotions and resurgent desire, Moreta sank to the stone seat, clasping her trembling hands together. She wondered if there was any chance that Holth and Leri had missed that tumultuous interview.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne