McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 8

Curmir offered her assistance but she discouraged him with a hand gesture and walked slowly from the Lower Cavern.

Without Orlith’s constant encouragement, Moreta would not have been able to cross the Bowl, which, in the sudden chill of the night

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air, seemed to have perversely grown wider. At the stairs, she had to brace herself several times against the inner wall.

“So, it’s got to you,” Leri said unexpectedly. The older Weyrwoman was sitting on the steps to her weyr, both hands resting on her walking stick.

“Don’t come near me.”

“You don’t see me rising from my perch, do you? You’re probably contagious. However, Orlith appealed to me. I can see why now. Get into your bed.” Leri brandished her cane. “I’ve already measured out the medicine you should take, according to that drum roll of Fortine’s. Willowsalic, aconite, featherfern. Oh, and the wine has a dose of fellis juice from my own stock. The sacrifices I make for you. Shoo! I can’t carry you, you know. You’ll have to make it on your own. You will. You always do. And I’ve done more than enough for one day for this Weyr!”

Leri’s chivvying gave Moreta the impetus to stagger up the last few steps and into the corridor of her weyr. At its end she could see Orlith’s eyes gleaming with the pale yellow of concern. She paused for a moment, winded, her head pounding unbearably.

“I assume that no one in the Lower Caverns suspected you’ve been taken ill?”

“Curmir. Won’t talk, though.”

“Sensible of you in view of the Igen death. She’ll make it, Orlith.” Then Leri waved her cane angrily. “No, you will not help. You’d jam the corridor with your egg-heavy belly. Go on with you, Moreta. I’m not going to stand on these chilly steps all night. I need my rest. Tomorrow’s going to be very busy for me.”

“I hoped you’d volunteer.”

“I’m not so lacking in sense that I’d let Nesso get out of hand. Go!

Get yourself well,” she added in a kinder tone, heaving herself to her feet.

Orlith did meet Moreta at the end of the corridor, extending her head so that Moreta could hang onto something to cross the chamber. Orlith crooned encouragement, love and devotion and comfort in almost palpable waves. Then Moreta was in her own quarters, her eyes fastening on the medicine set out on the table. She blessed Leri, knowing what an effort it had been for the old Weyrwoman to navi-142

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gate the steps. Moreta took the fellis wine down in one swallow, grimacing against the bitterness not even the wine could disguise. How could Leri sip it all day? Without undressing, Moreta slid un-der the furs and carefully laid her head down on the pillow.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne