McCaffrey, Anne – Acorna’s Quest. Part two

“Stars didn’t send me a directive,” the secretary said, deadpan.

“Oh, Lor’,” Gill groaned, “it was bound to happen sooner or later, but why now, on top of everything else?”

“What was bound to happen?” Rafik asked plaintively. Since reaching Maganos he had continually found himself two steps behind the latest events-only to be expected -when he had been absent so long on House Harakamian business, but nonetheless a galling situation to a man used to making his fortune by the timely use of information.

“Nutcases,” Gill answered, retreating back into the room behind the secretary’s station to make his explanation. “People heard about the healings Acorna did on Kezdet, you know. Can’t keep something like that secret. We’ve put it about that her healing abilities have faded as she matured, but that’s not enough to deter the really determined nuts. We’ve also spread rumors that she’s at half a dozen different houses Mr. Li owns in different systems. I think I know how this one got onto her, though-tell you later,” he muttered in an undertone as Judit opened the iris again and went through to the secretary’s station.

“I am so sorry to disappoint you,” Judit said sweetly, “but Just now Acorna is …”

The pause was fatal to her good intentions.

“She’s not seeing visitors,” Rafik said firmly.

At the same moment Gill said, “Not on the base. She’s gone to visit old friends.”

And, just too late to stop herself, Judit said, “… terribly busy.” They’re all lying! Something is terribly wrong! Karina’s shock and outrage, undiminished by any conscious attempts to focus or channel her psychic abilities, came through to the anxiously waiting Linyaari as clearly as a minor explosion. (Oh, my head! Tell that female to damp her modulations, will you?) Thariinye complained.

(I can’t tell her anything,) Melireenya thought, rather acidly. (She thinks you’re in charge, remember?)

(She recognizes natural brilliance when she sees it.) (Hmph. She probably comes from some culture that has a peculiar caste-ranking system. Maybe they’re graded by physical height.)

(In that case, she must be pretty low-caste. I’ve been looking through the screens at the others other race who come in and out here. And have you noticed-)

(Not now, you two!) Neeva put in. (Melireenya, you’re supposed to be monitoring the female … Khariinya. What’s happening now? Who are “they,” and what are they lying about?)

(I don’t know. That was the first I heard from her since she passed those guards at the exit from this docking area. I’m trying to get back in touch now… .)

Karina had meant to demand to see Acorna, but some impulse she did not recognize made her ask first, “Who are you people, anyway?” She followed that -with her own questions. “Why won’t you let me see Acorna-and why are you lying about it?”

“None of your business,” Gill said firmly. “Only people on the list of approved guests are admitted to this suite, young lady. You’re not on the list-so I strongly suggest you leave now, before we call Security to have you put out.”

Karina felt the secretary’s mocking eye upon her. She was sure she was turning red with embarrassment, but she stood her ground a moment longer.

“I must see Acorna. Truly … you don’t understand … and I can’t tell anyone but her … but it is not just for my own sake. There is something she must know. Oh, please!” She was almost in tears. “Please, you don’t understand, its terribly important. If she knew, she’d want to see me, I just know she would.”

“Darlin’,” Gill said more gently, “I’m sure it’s important to you, but there’s just no way you can see Acorna. I’ll tell you the absolute truth: she’s not on this base, and we don’t know when she’ll be back.” He took Karina’s hands in his. “Word of honor,” he said, looking into her face with those piercing blue eyes that must have persuaded ever so many silly girls to believe whatever he said.

And he radiated truth and sincerity this time, whatever she had felt from him before.

The silver-set moonstone at her throat was cold and dull. And try as she might, Karina could not persuade herself that she “felt” Acorna’s presence anywhere near them.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne