McCaffrey, Anne – DragonQuest. Chapter 9, 10

F’lar inhaled sharply, gritting his teeth. T’kul of the High Reaches was a taciturn, cynical, tired man. However justified Kylara’s actions were, her methods lacked diplomacy. And she was contemporary weyrfolk. Oh, well, T’kul was a lost cause anyhow. F’lar glanced obliquely at D’ram and G’narish, to see what effect T’kul’s behavior had on them. Surely now … They looked strained.

“You’re a good Weyrwoman, Kylara, and you did well. Very well,” F’lar said with such conviction that she began to preen and her smile was a smirk of self-satisfaction. Then she stared at him.

“Well, what are you going to do about T’kul? We can’t permit him to endanger the world with that Oldtime attitude of his.”

F’lar waited, half-hoping that D’ram might speak up. If just one of the Oldtimers …

“It seems that the Dragonriders had better call a conclave too,” he said at length, aware of the tapping of Kylara’s foot and the eyes on him. “T’ron of Fort Weyr must hear of this. And perhaps we’d all better go on to Telgar Weyr for R’mart’s opinion.”

“Opinion?” demanded Kylara, infuriated by this apparent evasion. “You ought to ride out of here now, confront T’kul with flagrant negligence and …”

“And what, Kylara?” F’lar asked when she broke off.

“And — well — there must be something you can do!”

For a situation that had never before arisen? F’lar looked at D’ram and G’narish.

“You’ve got to do something,” she insisted, swinging toward the other men.

“The Weyrs are traditionally autonomous …”

“A fine excuse to hide behind, D’ram …”

“There can be no hiding now,” D’ram went on, his voice rough, his expression bleak. “Something will have to be done. By all of us. When T’ron comes.”

More temporizing? F’lar wondered. “Kylara,” he said aloud, “you mentioned your lizard eating Thread.” There was a lot more to be discussed in this matter than T’kul’s incredible behavior. “And may I inquire how you knew your lizard had returned to Nabol?”

“Prideth told me. She Hatched there so she returned to Nabol Hold when you frightened her at Southern.”

“You had her at High Reaches Weyr, though?”

“No. I told you. I saw Thread over the High Reach Range and went to T’kul. First! Once I’d roused the Weyr, I realized that there might have been Thread over Nabol so I went to check.”

“And told Meron about the premature Threadfall?”

“Of course.”


“I took the lizard back with me. I didn’t want to lose her again.” When F’lar ignored that jibe, she went on. “I picked up a flame thrower, so naturally I flew with Merika’s wing. Scant thanks I got for my help from that Weyrwoman.”

She was telling the truth, F’lar realized, for her emotions were very much in evidence.

When my lizard saw Thread falling, she seemed to go mad. I couldn’t control her. She flew right at a patch and — ate it.”

“Did you give her firestone?” D’ram asked, his eyes keen with real interest.

“I didn’t have any. Besides, I want her to mate,” and Kylara’s smile had a very odd twist to it as she stroked the lizard’s back. “She’ll burrow, too,” she added, extolling her creature’s abilities. “A ground crewman said he’d seen her enter one. Of course I didn’t know that until later.”

“Is the High Reaches Hold clear of Thread now?”

Kylara shrugged indifferently. “If they aren’t, you’ll hear.”

“How long did Threadfall continue after you saw it? Were you able to determine the leading Edge when you flew over to Nabol?”

“It lasted about three hours. Under, I’d say. That is, from the time the wings finally got there.” She gave a condescending smile. “As to the leading Edge, I’d say it must have been high up in the Range,” and she dared them to dispute it, hurrying on when no one did. “It’d fall on bare rock and snow there. I did sweep the Nabol side but Prideth saw no sign.”

“You did extremely well, Kylara, and we are exceedingly grateful to you,” F’lar said, and the other Leaders endorsed his commendation so firmly that Kylara smiled expansively, turning from one man to another, her eyes glittering with self-appreciation.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne