McCaffrey, Anne – DragonRider. Part two

“How do you know that?”

“Diagram on the walls of the Fort Weyr Hatching Ground. That was the very first Weyr, you know.”

Lessa smiled sourly. “I know.”

“So, when the Star makes a pass, the Threads spin off, down toward us, in attacks that last six hours and occur approximately fourteen hours apart.”

“Attacks last six hours?”

He nodded gravely.

“When the Red Star is closest to us. Right now it is just beginning its Pass.”

She frowned. He rummaged among the skin sheets on the table, and an object dropped to the stone floor with a metallic clatter. Curious, Lessa bent to pick it up, turning the thin sheet over in her hands.

“What’s this?” She ran an exploratory finger lightly across the irregular design on one side.

“I don’t know. Fnor brought it back from Fort Weyr. It .was nailed to one of the chests in which the Records had been stored. He brought it along, thinking it might be important. Said there was a plate like it just under the Red Star diagram on the wall of the Hatching Ground.”

“This first part is plain enough: ‘Mother’s father’s father, who departed for all time between, said this was the key to the mystery, and it came to him while doodling: he said that he said: ARRHENIUS? EUREKA! MYCORRHIZA… .’ Of course, that part doesn’t make any sense at all,” Lessa snorted. “It isn’t even Pernesejust babbling, those last three words.”

“I’ve studied it, Lessa,” F’lar replied, glancing at it again and tipping it toward him to reaffirm his conclusions. “The only way to depart for all time between is to die, right?

People just don’t fly away on their own, obviously. So it is a death vision, dutifully recorded by a grandchild, who couldn’t spell very well either. ‘Doodling’ as the present tense of dying!” He smiled indulgently. “And as for the rest of it, after the nonsenselike most death visions, it ‘explains’ what everyone has always known. Read on.”

” ‘Flamethrowing fire lizards to wipe out the spores.


“No help there, either. Obviously just a primitive rejoicing that he is a dragonman, who didn’t even know the right word for Threads.” F’lar’s shrug was expressive.

Lessa wet one fingertip to see if the patterns were inked on. The metal was shiny enough for a good mirror if she could get rid of the designs. However, the patterns remained smooth and precise.

“Primitive or no, they had a more permanent way of recording their visions that is superior to even the well-preserved skins,” she murmured.

“Well-preserved babblings,” F’lar said, turning back to the skins he was checking for understandable data.

“A badly scored ballad?” Lessa wondered and then dismissed the whole thing. “The design isn’t even pretty.”

F’lar pulled forward a chart that showed overlapping horizontal bands imposed on the projection of Pern’s continental mass.

“Here,” he said, “this represents waves of attack, and this one” he pulled forward the second map with vertical bandings “shows time zones. So you can see that with a fourteen-hour break only certain parts of Pern are affected in each attack. One reason for spacing of the Weyrs.”

“Six full Weyrs,” she murmured, “close to three thousand dragons.”

“I’m aware of the statistics,” he replied in a voice devoid of expression. “It meant no one Weyr was overburdened during the height of the attacks, not that three thousand beasts must be available. However, with these timetables, we can manage until Ramoth’s first clutches have matured.”

She turned a cynical look on him. “You’ve a lot of faith in one queen’s capacity.”

He waved that remark aside impatiently. “I’ve more faith, no matter what your opinion is, in the startling repetitions of events in these Records.”


“I don’t mean how many measures for daily bread, Lessa,” he retorted, his voice rising. “I mean such things as the time such and such a wing was sent out on patrol, how long the patrol lasted, how many riders were hurt. The brooding capacities of queens, during the fifty years a Pass lasts and the Intervals between such Passes. Yes, it tells that. By all I’ve studied here,” and he pounded emphatically on the nearest stack of dusty, smelly skins, “Nemorth should have been mating twice a Turn for the last ten. Had she even kept to her paltry twelve a clutch, we’d have two hundred and forty more beasts… . Don’t interrupt. But we had Jora as weyrleader, and we had fallen into planet-wide disfavor during a four hundred Turn Interval. Well, Ramoth will brood over no measly dozen, and she’ll lay a queen egg, mark my words. She will rise often to mate and lay generously. By the time the Red Star is passing closest to us and the attacks become frequent, we’ll be ready.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne