McCaffrey, Anne – DragonSong. Part four

The day Alemi and I saw the cave from the boat, I could have sworn I heard pipes. Alemi insisted it was wind over blowholes in the cliff, but there wasn’t that much wind that day.”

“No,” T’gellan said, seeing a chance to tease the Harper, “you heard pipes. I saw ‘em when I searched the place.”

“You found pipes? Where was the player?”

“Sit down. Why’re you so excited?”

“Where’s that player?”

“Oh, here at Benden Weyr.”

, Elgion sat down again, so deflated and disappointed that Tgellan forbore to tease him further.

“Remember the day we rescued you from Thread? Tgran brought someone in as well.”

“The lad?”

“That was no lad. That was a girl. Menolly. She’d been living in the cave… Now, whaf s the matter?”

“Menolly? Here? Safe? Where’s the Masterharper? I’ve got to find Master Robinton. Come, T’gellan, help me find him!”

Elgion’s excitement was contagious and though he was mystified, Tgellan joined the search. Taller than the young Harper, T’gellan spotted Master Robinton in deep conversation with Manora at a quiet table in the Bowl.

“Sir, sir, I’ve found her,” Elgion cried, dashing up to them,

“Have you now? The love of your life?” asked Master Robinton amiably.

“No, sir. I’ve found Petiron’s apprentice.”

“Her? The old man’s apprentice was a girl?”

Elgion was gratified by the Masterharper’s surprise and grabbed at his hand, quite prepared to drag the man after him to search.


“She ran away from the Sea Hold, because they wouldn’t let her make music, I think. She’s Alemi’s sister…”

“What’s this about Menolly?” asked Manora, obstructing Elgion’s Sight with the Harper.

“Menolly?” Robinton raised his hand to silence El-gion. “That lovely child with the nine fire lizards?”

“What do you want of Menolly, Master Robinton?” Manora’s voice was so stern that the Harper was brought up sharp.

He took a deep breath. “My much respected Manora, old Petiron sent me two songs written by his ‘apprentice’; two of the loveliest melodies I’ve heard in all my Turns of harpering. He asked were they any good …” Robinton raised his eyes heavenward for patience, MI sent word back immediately, but the old man had died. Elgion found my message unopened when he got to the Sea Hold, and then he couldn’t find the apprentice. The Sea Holder gave him some folderol about a fosterling who’d returned to his own hold. Whaf s distressing you, Manora?”

“Menolly. I knew something had broken that girl’s heart, but not what She may not be able to play, Master Robinton. Mirrim says there’s a dreadful scar on her left hand.”

“She can, too, play,” said Tgellan and Elgion together.

“I heard the sound of multiple pipes coming from that cave,” Elgion said hurriedly.

“I saw her hide those pipes when we cleared out her cave,” Tgellan added. “And furthermore, she’s taught her fire lizards to sing, too.”

“She has!” Bright sparks lit the Masterharper*s eyes, and he turned purposefully towards the kitchen cavern.

“Not so fast, Masterharper,” said Manora. “Go softly with that child.”

“Yes, I saw that, too, when we were chatting this evening, and now I understand what was inhibiting her.

So how to proceed cautiously?” The Masterharper | frowned and gazed at Tgellan so long that the bronze rider wondered what he’d done wrong. “How do you know she’s taught her fire lizards to sing?”

“Why, they were singing along with her and Oharan last night.”

“Hmmm, now that*s very interesting. Here’s what we shall do.”

Menolly was tired now, and most of the visitors had left. Still the Masterharper did not appear to collect his fire lizard eggs. She wouldn’t leave until she’d seen him again. He’d been so kind; she hugged to herself the memory of their meeting. It was hard for her to believe that the Masterharper of Pern had carried her, Menolly of… Menolly of the Nine Fire Lizards. She propped her elbows up on the table and rested her head on her hands, feeling the rough scar against her left cheek and not even minding that at the moment.

She didn’t hear the music at first, it was soft, as if Oharan was playing to himself at a nearby table.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne