McCaffrey, Anne – DragonSong. Part one


your silly eggs? Keep ‘em. I just want to get home. Can’t you understand? I just want to go home.”

Maybe if I sit very still, shell forget about me, Menolly thought and pulled her knees up under the chin, but her toes and elbows protruded from under the overhang.

Suddenly a bronze fire lizard materialized above the clutch, squeaking worriedly. Menolly saw the queen swooping to join him, so the queen must have been on the top of the ledge, waiting, just waiting for Menolly to break cover.

And to think I made up a pretty tune about you, Menolly thought as she watched the two lizards hovering over the eggs. The last tune I ever made up. You’re ungrateful, that’s what you arel

Despite her discomfort, Menolly had to laugh. What an impossible situation! Held under a cramped ledge by a creature no bigger than her forearm.

At the sound of her laughter, the two fire lizards disappeared.

Frightened, were they? Of laughter?

“A smile wins more than a frown,” Mavi was fond of saying.

Maybe if I keep laughing, they’ll know I’m friendly? Or get scared away long enough for me to climb up? Saved by a laugh?

Menolly began to chuckle in earnest, for she had also seen that the tide was coming in rather quickly. She eased out of her shelter, flung the carry-sack over her shoulder, and started to climb. But it proved impossible to chuckle and climb. She needed breath for both.

Abruptly both the little queen and the bronze were back to harry her, flying at her head and face. The fragile looking wings were dangerous when used as a weapon.

No longer laughing, Menolly ducked back under her ledge, wondering what to do next

If kughter had startled them, what about a song? Maybe if she gave that pair a chorus of her tune, they’d


let her go. It was the first time she’d sung since she’d seen the lizards, so her voice sounded rough and uncertain. Well, the lizards would fenow what she meant, she hoped, so she sang the saucy little song. To no one.

“Well, so much for that notion,” Menolly muttered under her breath. “Which makes the lack of interest in your singing absolutely unanimous.”

No audience? Not a fire lizard’s whisker in sight?

As fast as she could, Menolly slipped from her shelter and came race to face, for a split second, with two fire lizard faces. She ducked down, and they evidently disappeared because when she cautiously peered again, the ledge where they’d been perched was empty.

She had the distinct impression that their expressions had registered curiosity and interest

“Look, if wherever you are, you can hear me… wfll you stay there and let me go? Once I’m on the top of the cliff, I’ll serenade you til the sun goes down. Just let me get up therel”

She starred to sing, a dutiful dragon song as she once again emerged from her refuge. She was about five steps upward when the queen fire lizard emerged, with help. With squeaks and squeals she was driven back down. She could even hear claws scraping on the rock above her. She must have quite an audience by now. When she didn’t need one!

Cautiously she looked up, met the fascinated whirl-; mg of ten pairs of eyes.

u “Look, a bargain! One long song and then let me up fee cliff? Is that agreed?”

Fire lizard eyes whirled.

Menolly took it that the bargain was made and sang. Her voice started a flutter of surprised and excited /chirpings, and she wondered if by any possible freak actually understood that she was singing about ^grateful holds honoring dragonriders. By the last verse gibe eased out into the open, awed by the sight of a fire lizard and nine bronzes entranced by her >rmance.


“Can I go now?” she asked and put one hand on the ledge.

The queen dived for her hand, and Menolly snatched it back.

“I thought we’d struck a bargain.”

The queen chirped piteously, and Menolly realized that there had been no menace in the queen’s action. She simply wasn’t allowed to climb.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne