McCaffrey, Anne – DragonSong. Part one

By the time the boats had profitably trawled the Deep and tacked for home, Yanus had found no compromise. It was no consolation to know that he wouldn’t have any argument from the other holders. Had Me-noDy sung poorly that morning … but she hadn’t. As Sea Holder for Half-Circle, he was obliged to bring up the young of the Hold in the traditions of Pern: knowing their duty and how to do it He counted himself very lucky to be beholden to Benden Weyr, to have Flar, bronze Mnementh’s rider, as Weyrleader and Lessa as Ramoth’s Weyrwoman. So Yanus felt deeply obliged to keep tradition at Half-Circle: and the young would learn what they needed to know, even if a girl had the teaching.

That evening, after the day’s catch had been salted down, he instructed Mavi to bring her daughter to the small room off the Great HaQ where he conducted Hold business and where the Records were stored. Mavi had put the Harper’s instruments on the mantel for safekeeping.

Appropriately Yanus handed MenoDy Petiron’s gitar. She took the instrument in a properly reverential manner, which reassured Yanus that she appreciated the responsibility.

“Tomorrow you’ll be excused from your regular morning duties to take the youngsters for their teaching,” he told her. “But I’ll have no more of those finger-twidtDings of yours.”


“I sang my songs when Petiron was alive and you never minded them…”

Yanus frowned down at his tall daughter.

“Petiron was alive. He’s dead now, and youll obey me in this.,.”

Over her father’s shoulders, MenoHy saw her mother’s frowning face, saw her warning headshake and held back a quick reply.

*You bear in mind what I’ve saidl” And Yanus fingered the wide belt he wore. “No tuningl”

“Yes, Yanus.”

“Start tomorrow then. Unless, of course, there’s ThreadfaD, and then everyone wfll bait longlines.”

Yanus dismissed the two women and began to compose a message to the Masterharper to go when he could next spare the sloop’s crew. They’d sail it to Igen Hold. About time Half-Circle had some news of the rest of Pern anyway. And he could ship some of the smoked fish. The journey needn’t be a wasted trip.

Once in the hallway, Mavi gripped her daughter’s arm hard. “Don’t disobey him, girl”

‘There’s no harm in my tunes, mother. You know what Petiron said…”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne