McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part four

“Well, let’s see, ma’am, what were those charges again? Resisting arrest, fleeing custody, failure to render assistance in a medical crisis, nondisclosure of residence, crimes of omission against the various environments under Federation protection. That’s for a start. When we think of others, we’ll let you know.”

“That’s nonsense!” she said. “Narhii-VhiIimyar is not part of your Federation!”

(And to think, we were just discussing whether or not it should be,) came Khaari’s thought.

“Oh, yeah, that’s the other charges,” said the uniformed ruffian. “Criminal trespass, entering Federation galaxies without a license, abduction of a Federation citizen.”

“Abduction? The only person who accompanied us was the niece of Vi

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