McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part three

“Sure thing, Mr. Harakamian.”

While the administrator was sending for the required implement, Hafiz whispered to Rafik, “Already I regret the necessity for us to arrive unarmed among Acorna’s people, to demonstrate respect for their customs and possibly their religious beliefs, you understand.”

“Under these circumstances, I can understand that regret, Uncle,” Rafik said.

“Alas, I was unaware of Yasmin s presence and her onboard activities. There are other ways to defend oneself than conventional weapons, of course. As you’ll see when they bring me that axe. Nonetheless, I shall have to reevaluate our internal defenses in light of this breach of security.”

When the axe arrived, it was handed to Hafiz, who bowed graciously to acknowledge the generosity of the person or persons who lent it to him. To the administrator he said, in a voice loud enough for all to hear, “I hope you have no quaint native customs forbidding the execution of criminals? I assure you, my former wife has been convicted on many counts of many heinous crimes.”

“No, sir. Out this far from civilization, we don’t have the luxury ofbein’ overly forgiving. You just go right ahead, sir.”

Karina saw her husband accept the axe. He nodded to the captain and Johansson, -who grabbed Yasmin s arms and maneuvered her into position, her neck exposed and pressed against a handy tree trunk.

Karina held her breath. She could not believe he would do this without recourse to judge and jury.

The crew and the settlers looked extremely calm about the matter, however.

Hafiz took in a deep breath and swung the axe back over his head.

Yasmin, who had known him in his younger and more impetuous years, did not take the situation at all calmly. “Wait! Stop! You can’t do this!”

Hafiz lowered the axe and smiled. “Rest assured, seed of a syphilitic she-camel, that I can, and I shall unless you answer my questions.”

“I don’t know where the powder came from,” she lied. “The lawyer who had me released from prison gave it to me. He told me to give it to you and then follow you.”

“Follow me?”

“Well, hide myself on your ship.” She reached into her decolletage and pulled forth what looked like a tiny jewel. “I’ve been wearing this, you see. So they could follow you.”

“Follow me why?”

“I don’t know-robbery, I guess.” Hafiz raised the axe again and Yasmin squealed. “Aiyee! I -1 don’t think they know where the horn powder came from either. They wanted you to lead the way to the unicorn girl.”

“Aha!” This made sense to him. They were business rivals, these patrons of his former wife, and wanted to make contact with the Linyaan for nefarious reasons. They hoped Hafiz would lead them to Acorna’s people. That made very good sense.

“Administrator, perhaps you need a spare field hand,” he said. “If you keep this one in chains, she may be useful to you. But keep her among women only. If she is left alone with men she will be on her back in the twinkling of an eye.”

Yasmin spat at him but was led off to the detention cell, to be fitted for chain jewelry. Karina called after her, “Just think of how much karmic clearing you‘11 be doing, dear! It will stand you in such good stead in your next incarnation!”

“May it come quickly,” Hafiz growled. He ordered the ship swept for further transmitters and four more were discovered.

Then the Harakamians and their crew turned their attention to the celebration being held in their honor. Karina wore something even more floaty and lavender and silver than usual and Hafiz thought he had never seen her looking more radiant. “You are a precious pearl among women, my love,” he told her. “Lesser females would have upbraided me for concealing a notquite-former marriage.”

She dimpled at him. “Hafiz, you are so cute sometimes. Obviously you meant to divorce her-and you did, once you knew she wasn’t dead. I am attuned to the secrets of the universe, you know,” she said. Besides, the servants gossiped, comparing the current Mrs. Harakamian to the last onefavorably, she was happy to hear. “I dp know you’d been married before. I am only a little regretful for your sake that you chose someone with quite as many Pluto problems as that woman undoubtedly has. But then, we all have our lessons to learn, don’t we?”

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