McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part three

Therefore, when they disembarked, Hafiz gave the captain a wink and the captain addressed Karina. “Wise and enlightened mistress, during your meditations I was in contact with my sister, who has settled here on this isolated world. The people here are in much need of spiritual guidance and insight. My sister, on behalf of a delegation of the particularly troubled, hoped perhaps that you would be so beneficent as to share your gifts with those most in need.”

“Certainly, Captain, I would be happy to,” Karina replied with a gracious nod of her head and a queenly wave at the ragtag populace assembled to greet them. “And since this is the request of a family member of yours, I will happily provide my services at a very great discount.”

“Barter is the usual method of exchange here, madam,” the captain said.

“Hmmm,” Karina said. In the old days, when she travelled to fairs and festivals throughout her home world, she had acquired many small bits of jewelry and stained glass doodads, hand-carved salad forks and once, a Mytherian fang-cleaning device, in exchange for readings. Now that she was a person of considerable means, these things would be more of a liability than an asset to her well-ordered home.

“Very well, then. Captain, I’ll tell you what. Suppose you arrange the means of payment. What I cannot use, because we are traveling and our space is somewhat limited at the moment, perhaps we can take credit for on future exchanges with these people. I have been given to understand that due to the turmoil caused by the recent wars, the crops have not been particularly plentiful. I would not wish to take food from someone’s children at this time.” And of course, at a later time, the pickings would no doubt be better.

“My lady is gracious, as always,” the captain said. “I shall be happy to perform this task for my lady and for my sister’s adopted people.”

First, however, Rafik, quick and graceful as ever, sprang forward to plant a kiss on each of Karina’s cheeks and each of his uncle’s. Mercy Kendoro was beside him and she greeted Hafiz and Karina a bit more sedately. She was not as yet one of the family but Hafiz thought she would make a fine addition. Broad hips, good for making children. And rather lovely, in an otherwise delicate sort of way, and very clever, too. Rafik was choosing his wife far more intelligently than Hafiz himself had-the first time, at least. Hafiz noted this with relief as it was another sign of the boy’s suitability for the responsibility of leading the House of Harakamian.

Karina and the captain separated from the group to greet the captain s sister, who had been briefed ahead of time, and her fellow seekers of enlightenment. The remainder of the crew was invited to the community hall at Rushima’s chief settlement and Hafiz gestured that they should accept. After all, this trip was from all indications to be a fairly long one and who knew when another opportunity for shore leave might arise? They were to return in time for refueling and taking aboard a few more provisions to top off the ample quantities loaded aboard at Laboue.

When he could be sure they were alone, Hafiz filled Rafik in on the visit from Yasmin.

He did not, of course, come straight to the point, but told the story in proper narrative fashion, building suspense so that -when he spread his hands in alarm to show his reaction to the powder Yasmin had blown in his face and how he had lost consciousness, Rafik, used to drama as he was, widened his eyes with alarm.

“I presume there is some point to this. Uncle, to drive you from your home and honeymoon and into space other than a visit by your former wife who wished you to sleep?” Rafik asked.

“Nephew, has the responsibility I have laid upon your shoulders caused you to become impatient and rude? I am coming to it, I am coming to it, and all shall be made clear. You see, I had the powder analyzed. In addition to the sleeping powder there was powdered horn-and the powder, as it touched an injury on one of the technicians analyzing it, healed that injury.” Hafiz let the sentence hang in the air, where it would soak into his nephew’s brain like rain into thirsty soil. “Linyaari horn? But how did they get it?” “Alas, Yasmin was not disposed to disclose such information, though had she not disappeared by the time I awakened, I assure you I could have persuaded her otherwise.”

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