McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part two

“I confess that horrible junk man and his nasty beast upset me, Uncle. He cheated me-told me he was selling everything but kept the cat and more of the horns he lied about having. You just can’t trust anyone these days.”

“No, indeed, pet. It’s a hard cruel world and it distresses me that you’ve had to learn that so young in life. But fortunately, I am here to protect you and see to it that you don’t wear yourself out. Now then, if you want the junk man, it’s a simple matter of sending your droids over to collect him and the cat and checking his computer banks for information about how he acquired the horns. No need for you to go yourself.”

I can be there when he’s questioned though, can’t I, Uncle? And have the nasty cat to play with?”

Whatever you wish, dearest. But you’ll want to be at your best so run along now and let Uncle Edacki handle it.” I’m sure you know best.” I’ll need the horns, dear one.”

She got that sly, calculating look that reminded him so other, unlamented father. “I can let you have one, I suppose. I’ll keep the other.” She handed him the more broken of the two.

“Here, you take this one. I think this one I have is probably hers.”

He sighed and smiled as if it didn’t matter that he indulged her this time. “One “will do nicely, thank you, Kisla. Now off you go. Leave it to me.”

When she had gone he sprang into action, after his own fashion. The first thing he did was call her droids away from the hangar where they had been unloading her cargo.

“KEN637, your mistress tells me you were instructed to check on the whereabouts of a craft belonging to a certain dealer in salvaged goods?”

“It is docked at outer bay four niner eight, sir,” the droid replied.

“Very well. I would like for you and your friends to call upon the gentleman at his ship and invite him to my warehouse, the one on Todo Street, number nineteen?”

“I know the one, sir.”

“Yes, and the animal, too. But first, have him show you around his computer banks. And if he is not there when you arrive, access them yourself. Your mistress wishes to know where he obtained the horn he gave her.”

“Certainly, sir. Suggested force level, sir?” Unlike the androids in early science fiction epics, those employed by Edacki Ganooshs various corporate enterprises had no programming prohibiting them from harming human beings.

“Maximum without damaging any of the components.”

Yes, sir.

With the tip of his finger, Ganoosh then accessed the considerable data banks on the unicorn girl and her associates.

Many of these files had been compiled by Kisla s late father, the baron.

He found a number of useful connections. The first name he noticed was that of General Ikwaskwan, the leader of the Kilumbemba mercenaries, a group he himself had employed from time to time. The reason that name particularly caught his attention was that he had been intending to contact the general for some time on another matter.

It would be late in the day in the Kilumbemba Empire, but the general was a man of business and if he was presently unemployed, the man would no doubt be thrilled to hear from Ganoosh. The comscreen showed nothing but static for a few moments and then, in a very distracted tone, from off screen, Ganoosh heard Ikwaskwan’s voice saying, “Nadhari, by the Gods, woman, this is business. Untie me before you accept incoming calls.”

“Certainly, Ikky,” a woman’s deep and sultry voice purred. “And if I do, I assume I have your promise?”

“Yes, mistress. Never again shall I sleep when you have rubbed my back with oils before I do likewise unto you.”

“Very good then.” There was the sound of a kiss. “I know it’s difficult, Ikky, after all these years of rape and pillage, for you to remember that we women have our needs, too, and in an alliance such as ours, it is imperative that you meet them graciously. There, now, I return your dignity.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne