McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s World. Part five

Becker shrugged. “I could do worse. Cats are good at strategy. ” He flipped the toggle on the ship’s intercom. “Okay, Mac, do your thing,” he said, then, recalling how literal minded the android -was, added, “I mean, make the speech -we discussed to the Khieevi and try to lure them over here.”

Acorna frowned. “I wish we were able to wait until the evac ships have time to reach Federation space.” She let the words hang in the air. It -was a vain wish. All of them had seen the broadcasts of pain-wracked Niriian prisoners being tortured. All of them knew what the planet would look like when the Khieevi were finished. All of them knew that every moment they delayed cost more Niriian lives. They had to act quickly. And really, the evacuation ships would be heading toward Federation space, not near the vine “world. There should be no problem at all. Acorna wondered why she remained anxious, nevertheless. When her question popped out, it surprised even her. “I wonder why they do it, really.”

“Who, hon?” Becker asked.

“The Khieevi. Why do they torture people? Did you ask the prisoner that?”

“No. I figure it’s just cause they’re mean mothahs and they enjoy it. Isn’t that about right, Aari?”

Aari frowned. “I did not think of them as enjoying anything, Joh. In fact, now that you mention it, I don’t believe they 9u) enjoy torturing me, as relentless and thorough as they were. It seemed more as if they were very anxious to be wringing from me every bit of pain and fear they could. The few questions they asked me did not seem to be important to them and they did not bother to try to understand enough Linyaari to be able to express themselves. And I am afraid that one thing our observers and diplomats have learned of the Khieevi is that they are very scientific about their torture. The first few of our representatives they captured and tortured died almost at once, so the Khieevi refined their techniques so that they would only cause maximum pain for the longest possible time without fatal results.”

He shuddered suddenly and Acorna reached for his hand and held it. She knew from his thoughts that he had been shamed by his fear of the Khieevi, and by the pleading he had no doubt done with them to stop hurting him, natural as such responses were. He did not feel any of the merit Thariinye attributed to him for enduring what he could not escape. Acorna agreed with his assessment. It was pitiable what he had been through, horrible, but did not, in itself, make him a better person. No, he himself did that by his strength of character in facing what he feared most, and with reasons stronger than anyone around him could possibly understand. He faced the Khieevi, and their torture, and examined it to try to find answers and solutions that would help others.

Becker grunted. “Whoever said ‘know your enemy’ was right, even if he couldn’t have known the enemy was going to be big, nasty, alien bugs. If he had known, maybe he would have told us how we were supposed to know them.”

“Receiving reply from the Khieevi now, Captain,” Mac said. “On our -way, Mac,” Becker said. The crew clattered across the grated deck plate and down to the hold containing the shuttle. Klackings and klickings emanated from the freshly repaired corn unit.

“What do they say, Mac?” Becker asked. “They are coming here now, ^Captain!” Mac said. “Wow, that was fast. Already?” Becker asked. “The Niriians do not make satisfactory victims, apparently,” Mac said. “The Khieevi expressed preference for Linyaari prey. They scream better, apparently. This is a desirable trait in a host race for the Khieevi. They have been quite unhappy with the lack of response from the Niriians, despite their best efforts. The Niriian response has been judged inadequate.” “Inadequate for what?” Becker asked.

Mac said, “I do not know, Captain. I repeat only the-scuttlebutt-I am picking up from their intership transmissions. Shall I ask?”

“No,” Aari said. “If you were a real Khieevi, you wouldn’t have to.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne