McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s World. Part four

“Please give us your coordinates, Fo^en. The Linyaari ship Balakiire, is reading you loud and clear.”

The Niriian gave the Fo^en’s coordinates. “Hurry, Balakiire. We are nearly out of fuel and air. We were on our way in for both when the Khieevi attack commenced. The Khieevi have covered our cities like sweet-bugs converging on their hive.”

“We are coming, Fo^en. Please do not send additional communication unless we request it or you are in further distress. To do so may alert the Khieevi to your-and our-position. Signal that you have understood and then please, silence unless we contact you.”

“Understood, Balakiire. Be swift, be swift, please.”

Liriili snorted. “I suppose we will join them just in time for a Khieevi attack.”

“Perhaps,” Neeva said. “But I, for one, hope not. At least their signal should be heard by nearby worlds and other craft, so our personal warnings to those worlds will not be necessary.”

“I wonder what they will make of it on narhiiVhiliinyar,” Liriili said with a bitter smile. “I warned them.”

“Yes, you did, and fortunately, with you no longer in charge, they will probably ready the evacuation ships, refuel the fleet, gather the lifeforms, and prepare to leave narhiiVhiliinyar in the direction farthest from the Niriian world. I suspect they may fly into Federation space. That will be the recommendation of those of us who have been in contact with the peoples of that alliance.”

“Yes, and they “will come with their weapons, disrespecting the principles the Ancestors taught us.”

Melireenya turned in her seat and stared at the former viizaar, “What is it with you? You are not satisfied one way or the other. Would the destruction of our people please you now that you have been deemed unfit to lead them?”

Liriili gave her a superior smile but didn’t answer. Neeva was becoming alarmed by the woman’s attitude. Instead of helping her heal, this entire experience was driving her more and more into herself. She -was so aloof there was no question of touching her with a horn to try to heal her and besides, she seemed to be resistant to the usual bonding that cohered the Linyaari.

The next hours were spent in preparation to take the Niriians aboard. The Balakiire had no fuel to give them, and their ships were fueled somewhat differently. Extra berths were prepared, the gardens hyper-planted with varieties of plants the Ninians “were known to favor.

The Niriians were pathetically glad to see their Linyaari allies, and also somewhat shame-faced. “VLfe^haanye-Ferlili Neeva,” the captain of the Niriian ship began. “We heard you and your crew had been taken into custody by false authorities. Please know that our lives are yours from this day forward and we will defend you always to any-”

She choked, sputtered, swallowed, and continued. “I was about to say, to any who seek you on our planet. But it is unlikely we will have a home to return to.”

“Which brings up a good question,” Khaari interjected. “Where should we go now? Return to narhiiVhiliinyar?”

“Yes, but we should emulate Captain Becker and take evasive action, don’t you think, rather than returning directly? In case the Khieevi have spared any ships to follow the Fo^en.”

“A lot of good it did the junk man,” Liriili sneered.

“How do you know what good it did him?” Khaari demanded. “We don’t know what became of anyone yet.”

But they were to learn very shortly. On the other side of the wormhole, they picked up a broadcast.

The first portion was in Standard, and while the Balakiire’s crew were putting their heads together trying to remember enough of that language to decipher the message, it was rebroadcast in other languages.

The Niriians became agitated, “They know! They know about the attack! Perhaps they will send help. They are speaking our tongue!”

Neeva looked up. Khaari said, “I know that voice! That’s Thariinye speaking!”

“He’s alive!” Melireenya said.

“Of course he is,” Liriili said. “I told all of you that he would be perfectly all right, and no doubt the brat is as well.”

The language switched again, this time to Linyaari, and Neeva smiled widely. “That’s Khornya.”

They recognized other voices as the broadcasts were repeated in other languages-Aari’s and those of Miiri and Kaarlye, which made Khaari, who was related to Kaarlye on her mother’s side, sigh with relief.

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