McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s World. Part four

Aari nodded. “Yes, I think it is because the Khieevi seem to the vines to be larger versions of the insects their sap is created to destroy. That first time -we were here-when I-when I had to return to the ship? I saw the resident insects in the sap and they reminded me of the Khieevi. Very much.”

Neeva frowned. “If the plants regard the Khieevi as natural enemies, and respond aggressively automatically, then I think perhaps this plan will work and still be within the bounds of diplomatic integrity. Now then, all -we have to do is get them to spread themselves away from the holos.”

With the communication they had already established, this did not prove difficult. Even Becker was impressed by the cooperation of the vines. When the last drones -were planted, the crew of the Cow)or looked down to see a little frontier outpost of the Linyaari, nestled among flowering vines. Tall unicorn people scurried to and fro among the buildings and vines.

“That ought to be enough to fool the Khieevi,” Becker said, and turned to Mac, “Are you ready to transmit from your shuttle?” “Aye, Captain.” -Mac said.

“Then stand by. As soon as the area is cleared, you can invite your friends to our garden party,” Becker said, his mustache bristling as he bared his teeth in what Acorna decided was not a show of friendship.

“Uncle, I thought we agreed that the children were to be evacuated here to the Moon of Opportunity immediately,” Rank Nadezda reminded Hafiz.

“Ah, but that was before the excellent Becker devised his excellent plan,” Hafiz said. “And Ambassador Neeva and the eminent Lmyaari scientists Kaarlye and Miiri assure me it will succeed, as does our own beloved Acorna. So why send the kiddies home? And if they go, why not all of us? And if “we go, so goes a large portion of the assets of House Harakamian, which I have invested in the establishment of the Moon of Opportunity.” Seeing his nephew’s eyes snap and his mouth open, Hafiz added hastily, “I know, dear boy, I know, of course, that human-and Linyaari-life is not to be measured against mere profit. Naturally. But is it not true as well that these people, Acorna’s people, have come to rely upon us for a certain measure of protection-•well, perhaps, support is a better word? And if we begin sending away our own children, indicating that we believe danger still exists, does this not imply that ours are more important than their loved ones? Such an implication hardly sets the right tone, you see?”

“Tone be damned!” Rafik said. “These kids have already been through a thousand kinds of hell and^we have definitely promised them our protection. The Linyaari are home, as are their children. Our kids should return to Maganos Moonbase and stay there until the Khieevi are no longer a problem. And the Haven has no business here either.”

“The Haven is free to go whenever it wishes. Thus far the Starfarers have decided to remain with us.” “You can’t allow it. Uncle Hafiz. It’s much too risky.”

“Nephew, dear boy, listen to me. Life is risky. Business-successful business-is even more so. We are pioneers, son of my heart. If we are to tread the surface of planets -which have never known a human footprint, if we are to trade in currency as yet untouched by human hand, risks are necessary.”

Rafik’s eyes narrowed and his tone -was filled with disgust he didn’t bother to conceal. “You say this to me, you who cowered in the underground shelter of your compound at Laboue when you first saw what the Khieevi did to their prisoners?”

Sweat broke out on Hafiz’s forehead despite the sweet and mild day Dr; Hoa’s weather iriagic had provided. “The shock of first contact, dear boy.” Hafiz blotted the moisture with a monogrammed scarlet synsilk tissue. “But, very -well, if you insist, your aunt and I will personally escort the children back to Federation space, while you as my heir and representative will naturally conduct business as usual until the crisis has passed and it is safe for us to return. At which time you will see the wisdom of your old uncle’s counsel and realize how hasty you have been.”

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