McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s World. Part three

His hologram wizardry also made the hotels playgrounds for both the children and the sophisticates, offering a variety of fantasy-oriented suites and facilities, even holographic houris. He was a bit surprised that Khetala, who had been reeducating former pleasure house employees, took it upon herself to visit the holographic harems of the houris. While there she attempted to convince the denizens they were being exploited and should perhaps take up courses in accounting or business management to empower themselves.

That was his first inkling that perhaps his colony was beginning to seem a bit too frivolous for some of his associates. But of course, the guest facilities had to be in place before the university and healing centers could be completed.

Karina ordered up the initial hologramatic ambience for the healing center. She also spent a fortune on crystals, candles, gauzy draperies, drums, incense, amorphous music, and real greenery and fountains. Hafiz was allowed to embellish her setting with his holograms, but she insisted on the genuine article as far as plant life and water features went, “for the ozone and the extra oxygen, beloved. One doesn’t get that from a simulation.”

A large portion of that pavilion was kept barren however, awaiting the arrival of the first Linyaari trade partners, who would of course have their own specifications.

Thus was all in readiness for the first trading partners. Hafiz and his staff waited. And waited. And waited.

Signals had been sent on all frequencies to all planets in the sector. Calum Baird and his technicians finished their work installing the appropriate links and relays to allow swift communication with Maganos Moonbase, Laboue, and all other previously known Federation worlds, moons, and space stations. But until Calum and his fleet intercepted the Condor’s signal, not a single response did the newly created facility receive.

Finally these last ships docked and by the time their crews were welcomed and rested, the Condor, its sides virtually bulging with cargo and expanded crew, waddled into port to squat beside the other, sleeker vessels.

Becker gave a low whistle as the crew, including RK, descended on the spanking clean robolift.

“Will you look at this spread?” Becker asked. “Your old uncle has done himself proud, Princess.”

Acorna wasn’t listening. She didn’t even wait until the robolift touched the ground before jumping off and flying into the collective arms of her uncles and old friends from Maganos Moonbase.

Hugs, kisses, tears, and exclamations flowed freely and to Maati, seemed to sadly contrast to her own reunion with her brother, mother, and father.

Finally, Hafiz Harakamian, mindful of the presence of four horned Linyaari and Aari, whom he had met before, detached himself from the storm of sentiment and greeted his new guests.

He was flanked by Karina on one side and Nadhari Kando on the other. As chief of security, Nadhari considered it her job to be with Hafiz in any crowd and put herself between him and harm.

“Welcome to my pavilion, and to this Moon of Opportunity, honored guests, Captain Becker, and er-crewman?” Hafiz said with a glance at Mac.

RK leaped onto Nadhari Kando’s shoulder.

“It’s that Makahomian warrior lady again. Hello, there,” Becker said, perhaps a bit eagerly.

Nadhari gave him a slow smile and streked RK’s plumed tail. “I see the sacred cat has brought you safely through another journey, Becker.”

“Yes, he was a lot of help,” Becker said, reaching over to stroke RK too, and incidentally brush his fingers against Nadhari’s sculpted cheekbone resting against the cat’s side. RK growled and batted at him. “The hero of the whole thing actually,” Becker continued. The growl lowered. “In fact, if he hadn’t alerted Aari to the fact that the Khieevi was after Acorna, and then come back to lead me and Mac to where the Khieevi and Aari were duking it out, we probably would not be the hale and healthy party standing before you now.”

RK was purring now.

Hafiz, who had been trying to ignore Becker to court the Linyaari, suddenly turned to him, very pale despite the artificial sunlight in his offices. “Khieevi? You encountered Khleevi!”

“Yeah, got a couple of dead ones up top,” Becker said, jerking his thumb toward the Cow)or.

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