McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s World. Part three

IvK bounded up to them and sat down, seemingly to wash, though he kept his ears cocked slightly back, as if he was lisening to the their nonverbal conversation. At some point in “elr Journey, he had departed from Acorna’s shoulder and taken off on his own explorations. Probably -when she began galloping.

(It L) a Khieevi. And it will be no trick to find it and Thariinye. The trail is extremely clear. Just go back and tell the others that we’ll need their help. Meanwhile, I will try to keep the Khieevi from harming Thariinye anymore.)

(What if there are other Khieevi?)

(Captain Becker will know if there are. He has been questioning an injured Khieevi that -we captured. He’ll be able to tell us how many of these things we’re facing. I need that information very much before I tackle freeing Thariinye. And I’d like you somewhere safe from this one,) Acorna said simply. And turned toward the slimy trail. But Maati wasn’t done yet.

(You said you’d come for me,) Maati reminded her. (You were thinking all those nice things about me, and how you and Aan should have let me come with you. I’m not just a kid, you know. I’m smart. I could help you. What if I get caught on the •way to get the others? What if I get lost?)

(Just follow the trail.)

(You’re only one person. You need help, too. -You know Thariinye won’t be much help. We could hear him if he was in a position to help us. You know, you didn’t treat me like such a child back home.)

Acorna hesitated. She didn’t want to put her young friend in harm’s way but, then again, maybe that thought was a little ridiculous. Maati had already survived the •wreck of her space vessel and eluded capture by the Khieevi once today. It was entirely possible, if the Khieevi were on this planet in force, that the ship was no safer place than trooping with Acorna through the forest.

(Very well. You can come with me. But thought-speak only. And stay behind me.)

(Okay.) Acorna felt Maati searching for RK, but the cat had vanished. Maati was a little worried, so Acorna sent her the calming thought that if anyone on the face of the blue planet could look out for themselves, it was that cat. Then they pushed forward, along the broken trail the Khieevi had left behind them, hoping against all hope that Thariinye was still all right.

The Council meeting -was brief. Liriili had been questioned. The accusations against her by comshed personnel and by Thariinye’s many mourning soon-to-be-lifemates were verified, and a proposal was made for her dismissal. The evidence was examined, including a copy of the broadcast from the CorQor that Liriili denied had ever been received. One of the comshed officers, who was also one of Thariinye’s lady friends, had concealed copies of the pliyi transmission and Thariinye’s translation of it, which she had taken from the comshed before Liriili had given orders to have them destroyed. That was right after the vuzaar had told the comshed officers to stop transmitting anything at all from the planet for dny reason. Not only did the young officer realize that Liriili had tor some reason allowed Thariinye and a child to go into space alone, but she recognized that the piiyi had great implications for the Linyaari, and that the people must know about it. The combed officer had been about to set off for the hills herself to fetch tne spacefarers when the pilgrims came streaming home.

The Council had not been kindly disposed to having the brining of a possible Khieevi threat withheld from them for no reason, no matter what Liriili thought. (??ed note. not quite correct)

After the matter of Liriili had been discussed, the Council was expanded to include Neeva, Khaari, Melireenya, and several of the ambassadors and high teachers and merchants and officers from the returned fleet.

In lieu of Liriili, Grandam now presided over the Council. Liriili faced them from the opposite side of the table where she’d sat for so many years, wearing her “Everything is in order, business as usual” face.

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