McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 10, 11

“Something smells good,” Moreta said, inhaling the aroma from the pot.

“A special porridge I concocted. Made them bring me supplies and a brazier so I could nurse you myself. Nesso’s finally down with it and out of my hair for a bit. Gorta’s taken charge—rather well, I might add, in case you’re interested.” Leri looked slyly at Moreta as she spooned porridge in two bowls. “I’ll join you since it’s my breakfast time as well, and this stuff is as good for me as it is for you. By the way, I made Oriith eat this morning before she wasted away to nothing but the eggshells. She had four fat bucks and a wherry. She was very hungry! Now, don’t look dismayed. You’ve scarcely been able to do for yourself, let alone her. She didn’t feel neglected. She minds me very well, Oriith does, since she knows me so well. After all, Holth laid her! So she did as we told her and she’s feeling better. She had to eat, Moreta. Her next stop is the Hatching Ground, and we had to wait till you recovered for that. Won’t be long now.”

Moreta did some swift adding. “She’s early. She shouldn’t clutch for another five or six days.”

“There has been some stress. Don’t fuss. Eat. The sooner you’ve ?ot your strength back, the better all round.”

“I’m much stronger today. Yesterday …” Moreta smiled ruefully. “How have you managed?”

“Very easily.” Leri was serenely smug. “As I said, I had them bring me a brazier and supplies. I made your potions myself, I’ll have

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you know! With Orlith listening to every breath you made and relaying the information to Holth, I’ll wager you couldn’t have been bet-ter cared for if Master Capiam had been at your bedside.” “Orlith says he’s discovered a cure?”

“A vaccine, he calls it. But I’ll not have him after your blood.” “Why should he be?” Moreta was startled and Orlith gave a bel-low at Leri’s protectiveness.

“He takes the blood of people who have recovered and makes a serum to prevent it in others. Says it’s an ancient remedy. Can’t say I like the notion at all!” Leri’s short upright figure shuddered. “He practically attacked K’lon when he reported for conveying.” Leri gave a chuckle and smiled with bland satisfaction. “K’lon was doing too much flitting between on Healer Hall errands. I’ve appointed weyriings to the duty. Didn’t like to but … they’ve followed or-ders well. Oh, there’s been so much happening I hardly know where to begin!”

Beneath Leri’s glib manner, Moreta could discern worry and fatigue, but the older Weyrwoman seemed to be thriving on the crisis.

“Have there been more … Weyr deaths?” Moreta asked, bracing herself for the answer.

“No!” Leri gave a defiant nod of her head and another pleased smile. “There shouldn’t have been any! People weren’t using the wits they were bom with. You know how greens and blues panic? Well, they did just that when their riders got so sick and weak, instead of supporting them. In fact, there might be something to Jallora’s the-ory that the one caused the other… .“Leri stared off for a moment in deep thought. “Jallora’s the joumeywoman healer sent with two apprentices from the Healer Hall. So we keep in touch with the sick riders. You were very ill, you know. Exhausted, I think, after the Gather—no sleep, all the excitement, then Fall and that repair on Dilenth. He’s fine, but Orlith is so strong and her need of you so great that you hadn’t a chance of dying! You and Orlith as a healing team were the inspiration”—Leri fixed Moreta with a mock stern gaze—“so we just told the other Weyrwomen to have their queen dragons keep watch on the sick and not let the riders die. It isn’t as if the Weyrs had the crowding that’s causing so much concern in the Holds and Halls. It’s ridiculous for dragonriders to die of this vicious viral influence.” “How many are ill, if the Weyrs must consolidate to fly Fall?”

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Leri grimaced. “Steel yourself! Nearly two thirds of every Weyr except High Reaches is out of action. Between the plague and injuries, we can only just manage to send our two wings to cover Fall.”

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