McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 14

You have finally returned. There was more reproof in Holth’s voice than Orlith would ever express.

“Couldn’t you contact Nabeth?” Moreta asked Orlith, then Leri and Holth. Orlith’s color was very poor and there was an ashen hue to Leri’s complexion. She was full of remorse for having caused them a moment’s anguish. “Why didn’t you speak with Nabeth?”

/ wanted you, Orlith said piteously.

“Could you spare me a word of explanation?” Leri asked in a caustic tone, her voice breaking effectively. Contrite, Moreta grasped Leri’s shoulder. “The past hour has been dreadful. It took all my tact and patience to keep Orlith from blasting after you, wherever you were—which was where?”

“Didn’t Nabeth explain? B’lerion said he had.”

Leri waggled her hands irritably. “He only said that you had to go on an imperative journey that would take no more than an hour.”


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern


“And we were back at Ruatha within that hour.” Moreta knew that had to be the truth and, indeed, now that she was back with Orlith, the past subjective twenty hours seemed the dream, not the reality. “Just an hour?” ,

“No, actually,” Leri said firmly, “a little longer than an hour. You were talking with Capiam about something”—Leri underscored her ignorance of that interview by a significant pause—“before you, he, and that joumeywoman of his went skiting off to Ruatha on M’barak. The next thing I hear is a request through Holth from Nabeth and B’lerion.” She gave Moreta a stem look, an effect that was slightly spoiled by her changing from one foot to another during her reprimand.

“You look a bit uncomfortable on these hot sands, Leri. I think we’d better get off the Ground. I’ve rather a lot to tell you. No, Orlith, I won’t leave your sight but what suits your eggs is hard on your rider.” Moreta gave Leri a gentle shove toward her temporary living space and then fondled Oriith’s muzzle.

Leri had already seated herself before Moreta had sufficiently reassured Orlith. The queen gently pushed her weyrmate off and began to reposition the queen egg.

“It all began,” Moreta said to Leri as she settled herself, “when Master Capiam came to ask me the same question Alessan had”— Moreta caught herself before she could blurt out “two nights ago”— “about vaccinating the runners.”

Leri gave a disgruntled snort. “I would have thought he had enough on his hands healing humans.”

“He does, but the plague is an instance of zoonosis—animals infecting people and other animals.”

Leri stared at Moreta, her jaw dropping in alarm. “Zoonosis? Even the term sounds repulsive!” She fiddled with the cushion be-hind her back. “So, now that I’m comfortable, give me all the details.”

Moreta told Leri about Capiam’s visit, his fears for the continent’s health, how via zoonosis a second, more virulent wave of the viral infection could spread, and why mass vaccination was so essential. Capiam had left his chart behind, and Moreta produced it for Leri to examine.

“Capiam has it all planned so that a minimum of dragonriders would be needed—” She broke off, seeing the shock on Leri’s face as

the method of distribution became apparent to the older Weyrwoman.

“The riders would have to time it!” Leri stared at her, the nostrils of her straight, finely arched nose flaring with indignation. “You did say that Master Capiam brought this—this incredible plan with him?” When Moreta nodded, Leri’s voice crackled with fury. “How, may I ask, how did Master Capiam know that dragons can move in time? I’ll flay K’lon to his bones!” Leri all but bounced off the stone tier. From above, Holth bugled a protest.

“It wasn’t K’lon,” Moreta said as she clasped Leri’s wildly gestic-ulating hands in hers. “Calm Holth down. She’ll have Sh’gall on us!”

“If you told Capiam, Moreta—” Leri freed one hand to raise it aggressively.

“Don’t be silly. He knew!” Remembering her own outrage at Capiam’s knowledge, Moreta could well appreciate Leri’s reaction. “He knew because, as he had to remind me, his Craft bred the ability into dragons.”

Leri opened her mouth to protest that statement, then took a deep breath and nodded her head in belated acceptance. “You still have some explaining to do, Moreta. Where have you been the past hour where neither Orlith nor Holth could reach you?”

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