McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 14

You have always liked runnerbeasts. They deserve your help now. Holth-Orlith was speaking, Moreta decided from the doubly deep tone. You will have to see Ruatha sometime again. That, undeniably, was spoken only by Orlith.

Moreta sighed deeply and sadly. Orlith had touched the core of her resistance, for Moreta did not want to see Ruatha in the ruins K’lon had described.

“I think, Capiam,” she said slowly, steeling her mind, “that I should accompany you.”

Arith is more than willing. He likes the girl, Orlith said. She un-sheathed her claws from the queen egg. From the Bowl, Arith bugled agreement.


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

“Which girl?” Moreta was surprised at the remark. Orlith shrugged and went about making a depression in which she rolled her egg. So, trying not to appear resigned, Moreta collected

her flying gear.

“Arith says he will take us to Ruatha Hold.” ‘ “You can leave her?” Capiam looked toward the queen. “My going is her idea. She’s not a broody dragon, like some who must have their rider in constant attendance. Leri and Holth are nearby. I shan’t be gone very long, you know.” She gave Capiam a dour glance and then smiled at his startled expression.

When Moreta and Capiam reached the Bowl, Jallora was talking earnestly with a dark-haired woman who was standing a few lengths from M’barak and Arith. Desdra was older than Moreta had expected from K’lon’s comments, older than Moreta herself, but then Jallora had said that the woman was taking her mastery at the Fort Healer Hall. Desdra had a reserved air about her, not quite haughty but certainly a woman who kept herself to herself—a trait that did not, however, keep her from being keenly aware of the activity in the Bowl. Two wings from Fort would fly later across Bitra and Lemos. Sh’gall had gone forward to Benden to see K’dren. The Benden Weyrleader was tactful, as M’tani of Telgar was not, and Moreta counted on K’dren to smooth matters over in the day’s consolidation. She would be everlastingly grateful when the Weyrs could re-turn to traditional territories.

“Desdra, Moreta is coming with us to Ruatha,” Capiam was say-ing. “It would seem that Lord Alessan has anticipated the matter of

runner vaccine.” Desdra inclined her head courteously to the Weyrwoman, her

large gray eyes calmly taking Moreta’s measure.

“Don’t let Desdra make you uncomfortable, Moreta,” Capiam said. “She takes no one at face value; claims detachment is required

of a healer.”

“Jallora had told me of the superb reconstruction work you do on Threadscored dragon wing,” Desdra replied in a low unhurried voice, her eyes flicking a glance to Moreta’s hands as she put on her

gloves. “When there is time again, please return and examine Dilenth.

The Istan Weyr Healer, Ind, taught me the technique. I’ve had opportunity to perfect it.”

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 247

“I’d forgot about Fall today, Moreta,” Capiam was saying uncertainly, as he looked about and saw the unmistakable preparations.

“I must be back for the end of Fall, certainly,” Moreta replied, now perversely compelled to go to Ruatha. “As it happens, the wings have taken fewer injuries since the plague. It might just be that flying against other Weyrs has improved performances.”

“Really? How interesting.” Capiam’s surprise was genuine.

Then M’barak courteously gestured for Moreta to mount Arith first. She did so, settling herself at the back and assisting Desdra. Although Desdra made no comment and appeared perfectly composed, Moreta decided that the healer had not often ridden adragonback.

Capiam was clearly delighted, twisting about to grin past Desdra at Moreta then checking discreetly that Desdra was comfortable. “Four riders are not excessive weight for your Arith, M’barak?” he asked as the blue rider swung into his forward position.

“Not my Arith,” the boy replied stoutly, “or I’d’ve mentioned it.”

As if to prove his ability, Arith leaped from the ground so enthusi-astically that his passengers were abruptly pressed backward. Moreta instinctively locked her legs and grabbed the ridge behind her to balance Desdra, who was pushed back by Capiam’s weight. Arith made a quick adjustment as M’barak rapped his neck. Conscious of his Weyrwoman’s presence, M’barak made a ceremony of taking leave of the watchrider, accepting and returning salutes as Arith winged to a respectable altitude. M’barak looked back at Moreta with a warning nod of his head before he gave Arith directions.

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