McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 15

take long now.”

Deefer yawned mightily then belatedly covered his mouth, apologetically glancing around. But a yawn was not in the same category

as a sneeze or a cough.

“When you think that I thought,” Tuero began with a long sigh as he regarded the interior of his empty cup, “that a Ruathan Gather would be less tedious than a Crom wedding, you may wonder what I was doing for wits that day.”

Alessan looked up, his light-green eyes sparkling. “Does that mean, my friend, you have considered my offer of a post here at


Tuero gave a little chuckle. “My good Lord Holder Alessan, there comes a time in a harper’s life when he decides that the variety and change of temporary assignments begin to pall and he wishes a comfortable living where his capabilities are appreciated, where he can be sure of witty conversations over the dinner table—to save his fingers from the harping—where his energies are not abused—”

“I wouldn’t post to Ruatha in that event,” Desdra remarked caus-tically, but she smiled.

“You weren’t asked,” Alessan replied, mischief in his eyes.

“It’s no joy to serve a cautious man.” Tuero flung an arm about Alessan’s shoulders. “There is one condition, however, which”—the harper held up a long forefinger, pausing before his stipulation—

“must be met.”

“By the first Egg,” Alessan protested, “you’ve already got me to agree to a first-storey apartment on the inside, second tithe of our


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“When you’ve got them staffed again—”

“Your choice of a runnerbeast, top marks as journeyman, and leave, if you wish, to take your mastery when the Pass is over. What more can you ask of an impoverished Lord Holder?”

“All I ask is what is fitting for a man of my accomplishments.” Tuero humbly put one hand on his heart.

“So what is this final condition?”

“That you supply me with Benden white.” He spoiled the gravity of his pronouncement by hiccuping and gestured urgently for Alessan to fill his cup. He sipped wine to stop the spasms. “Well?”

“Good Journeyman Harper Tuero, if I can procure Benden white, you may have your just share of it.” He raised his cup solemnly and Tuero touched his to it. “Agreed?”

Tuero hiccuped. “Agreed!” He tried to swallow the next hiccup.

Desdra looked at Alessan then leaned forward and prodded the wineskin under his elbow. She made a noise of amused reproof.

“There’s not much left in it,” Alessan assured her.

“That’s just as well. Tomorrow your heads must be as clear as can be,” she said. “Come, Oklina, you’re half asleep as it is.”

Regarding her through the lovely euphoria produced by several cups of his superlative Benden white, Alessan wondered if Desdra was being solicitous of his sister or merely needed support up the stairs. The progress of the two women was steady but uncertain, and their indirect course not entirely due to the cartwheels, apparatus, and equipment that lay strewn about the spacious whitewashed Hall. That was another thing he must do, Alessan decided suddenly— repaint the Hall. The austere white was too much a reminder of too many painful scenes.

“I say, Alessan,” Tuero said as he tugged at the Lord Holder’s sleeve, “where do you get all that white Benden?”

Alessan grinned. “I have to have a few secrets.” His head was wobbling and if he wasn’t careful, it would fall sideways onto the table.

“Secrets? Even from your harper?” Tuero tried to sound indignant.

“If you find out, I’ll tell you if you’re right.”

Tuero brightened. “That’s fair enough. If a harper can’t find out— and this harper is very good at finding things out—if a harper can’t find out, he doesn’t have the right to know. Is that right, Alessan?”

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But Alessan’s head reposed on the table; a snore issued from his half-open mouth. Tuero stared at him for a moment in mixed pity and rebuke, then pushed at the wineskin under his elbow and sighed in disgust. There wasn’t more than a dribble in it.

Footsteps sounded behind Tuero. He turned. ,

“Has he finished it?” Rill asked.

‘Yes, it’s empty, and he’s the only one who knows where the supply is!”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne