McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 3, 4, 5

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 47

melody was haunting and the interval between the notes unexpected. A very old song, Moreta decided, but a good choice for the tenor’s voice. Orlith liked it, too.

Our tastes generally coincide, Moreta said.

Not always.

What do you mean by that?

The harpers sing, Orlith replied, evading, and Moreta knew that she’d get no direct answer.

Then the harpers asked for favorites from the audience. Moreta would have liked to request one of the plains songs from her own Keroon, but it was a mournful tune unsuited to the mood of the evening. Talpan had often hummed it. Coincidence again!

After the serenading, Alessan went up on the platform, thanking the harpers and offering compliments for their music and their presence. He enjoined them to make as free of Ruatha’s wine as necessary to keep them playing until the last dancer surrendered the square. Everyone applauded loudly, cheering and thumping the ta-bles and kegs to signify their appreciation of a Lord Holder who would not stint on his first Gather. The cheering went on long past what was a courteous spate and followed Alessan back to his table.

The harpers began the next session with a circle dance that permitted Alessan to accompany both of the girls. B’lerion was on his feet with Oklina again. Lady Oma seemed not to notice, so concentrated was her attention on Alessan’s partners.

Her throat dry from singing and cheering, Moreta was determined to find more of Alessan’s Benden white. As she made her way to the head table, she was stopped by holders asking after Leri and Holth and expressing sincere regret that the Weyrwoman had not attended.

Pass the greetings on, Orlith. They’ll like to know they were missed.

After a pause, Orlith replied that Holth was just as glad that she didn’t have to sit through a long night on a cold cliff.

You’re not feeling the chill, are you? Moreta asked anxiously.

The fire-heights hold the sun heat, and Nabeth and Tamianth keep me warm. You should eat. You’re always telling me to eat. Now I you.

The smugness in Orlith’s tone Moreta found amusing. And mer- ‘ted, for the rough Tiliek wine was making her a trifle lightheaded. She was aware of a belly rumbling, and she’d best get to the food ^fore the circle dance ended. She detoured to acquire a full platter of spiced roast wherry, tubers, and other tempting morsels. As she


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

was making her way to the head table and more of the Benden wine, the circle dance ended. Alessan had no sooner bowed to his two partners when Lady Oma was introducing him to yet another girl. Then Moreta caught sight of Lord Tolocamp bearing down on her and she moved off quickly at a tangent, as if she hadn’t seen him. His expression was grim and she was not going to endure one of his lectures at a Gather. She wended her way through the crowds, briefly considered stopping at the harpers’ table for they would have the best wine, but she decided she was no safer from Tolocamp in the harpers’ company. Besides, they’d probably had enough of him since the Harper Hall was situated so close to Fort Hold. So, instead, she ducked behind the harpers’ platform, standing a moment to accustom her eyes to the welcome darkness.

As it was, she nearly fell over the pack saddles stacked behind the dais. She upended one to make an informal seat and was quite delighted with her solitude and escaping Tolocamp. Come the end of Pass, that man was going to be high-flying irritant, and she didn’t think that Sh’gall was going to be able to handle him as well as he handled Fall.

This is good, you are eating! Orlith said.

Moreta neatly folded a slice of the roast wherry and took a huge bite. The meat was as tender and succulent as its roasting odor had advertised.

It’s beautiful! she told her queen.

She ate eagerly, licking her fingers, not wishing to miss a drop of the juices. Someone stumbled around the comer of the platform and Moreta, balancing her plate and cursing the interruption, slipped into the deeper shadow. Could Tolocamp have followed her? Or was this someone answering natural needs?

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne