McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 6, 7

He lay for what seemed a very long time and, although the ache in his skull appreciably lessened, the palpitations did not. If he could Just regain a normal heartbeat, he might be able to sleep. He was very conscious of his bone-deep weariness and that he had not benefited from that nightmare-filled sleep. He reviewed the appropriate herbs to relieve palpitations: whitehom, adonis, glovecap, tansy, aconite, and decided on the latter, the old reliable root.


Moreta: Dragon lady of Pern

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern


His rising from the bed was accompanied by much effort and suppressed moans—suppressed because Capiam did not want apprentice ears to witness masterly weakness. It was enough that the Masterhealer had basely succumbed; the grim details of his travail need not be advertised.

Two drops should suffice. It was a strong drug and must always be administered carefully. He remembered to secure a writing hide from his supply, gathered up ink and pen, and took all back to his bed, where he arranged his stool as his writing desk. Heart still pounding. Capiam composed his first entries, carefully noting the day and the exact time.

He was grateful to lie down again. He concentrated on his breathing, slowing it and willing his heart to slow. At some point in the exercise, sleep overcame him.

Holth is upset. He is angry and so is Leri. Orlith’s concerned but apologetic tone roused Moreta from a profound slumber.

“Why didn’t he stay asleep and leave the ordering of the Weyr to me?”

He says Leri is too old to fly, and the plague kills the elderly first.

“Scorch him! This epidemic business has addled his wits!” She dressed quickly, grimacing as she stuffed her feet into clammy boots.

Leri says that she must speak with the ground crews, especially at a time like this, to find out who gets ill and to spread the word. She says she can do so without unnecessary physical contact

“Of course she can.” Leri had never been in the habit of dismounting to accept ground-crew reports. She was not tall and remaining on her queen gave her many advantages.

Moreta raced up the stairs through the thick fog. She could hear Holth’s agitated rumblings by the time she reached the weyr entrance. Sh’gall’s angry voice made her quicken so that she entered the weyr in a burst of speed.

“How dare you interfere with the queens’ wing?” she demanded, allowing her momentum to carry her right up to him.

He spun around and, holding both hands up to keep her at a distance, backed off. Blinking with distress, Holth was swinging her head anxiously from side to side over Leri. A Weyricader was an unlikely source of danger for her rider.

“How dare you upset Holth and Leri?” Moreta shouted.

“I’m not yet so decrepit I can’t handle an hysterical bronze rider!” Leri retorted, her eyes snapping with anger.

“You queens stick together, don’t you,” Sh’gall shouted back, “against all logic and reason!”

Holth roared, and from the weyr below, Orlith trumpeted; then the fog resounded with dragon queries.

“Calm down, Sh’gall! We don’t need the Weyr in an uproar!” Leri spoke in a tense but controlled voice, her eyes catching and holding Sh’gall’s. She might have retired as senior Weyrwoman but just then she exuded the unmistakable authority of her many Turns in that position. When Sh’gall looked away, Leri glanced sternly at Moreta. The younger Weyrwoman spoke soothingly to Orlith and the furor outside the weyr subsided. Holth stopped her agitated head-swing- ing.

“Now!” Leri folded her hands over the cumbersome Record she was trying to keep in her short lap. “A fine time to be quarreling over small points. The Weyr needs undivided leadership now more than ever—we’ve a double threat to overcome. So let me tell you a few things, Sh’gall, that you seem to have overlooked in your very laudable concern for protecting the Weyr from this plague of Capiam’s. As of yesterday’s Gathers there can’t be many of our dragonriders who haven’t been exposed to it. In fact, you’re the most likely carrier since you were actually in the infirmary at Southern Boll as well as at Ista, viewing that poor beast.”

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