McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 6, 7

The situation at the racing flats observed, Alessan decided the next priority would be to send messages to those expecting the return of the Gatherers to those holds outside the message-drum system. Otherwise he would have anxious people coming to the Hold. Next he’d have to discover who else had brought in new stock from Keroon as Vander had done, whether the beasts were in holds or fields, and destroy them. He would also have to figure out how to deal with

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dissidents. The Hold’s one small cell might secure a small boy like Fergal but not an aggressive holder.

Tolocamp, who had been directing those spreading a tent over the half-walled southern addition, intercepted Alessan.

“Lord Alessan,” the older man said, stiffly formal, his face expres-sionless, jaw clenched, “while I realize that the quarantine affects me as well, I must return to Fort Hold. I will keep to myself in my apartment, making contact with no one. If this”—Tolocamp gestured toward the confusion in the roadway and Gather fields—“is occurring here, think of the turmoil caused by my absence from Fort Hold.”

“My Lord Tolocamp, I have always been under the impression that your sons were superbly trained to take over any Hold duties and perform them flawlessly.”

“So they are.” Tolocamp stood even more stiffly erect. “So they are. I put Campen in charge when I left for your Gather, To give him experience in assuming leadership—”

“Good. This quarantine should afford him an unparalleled opportunity.”

“My dear Alessan, this emergency is outside his experience, too.”

Alessan gritted his teeth, wondering if he had underestimated Tolocamp’s perception.

“Lord Tolocamp, you are more familiar than I with a double-urgent code sent by a Mastercraftsman. Would you permit anyone to disobey it?”

“No, no, of course not. But this is an unusual circumstance—”

“Quite. Your son has no Gather guests to deal with.” Both men could see a group being shepherded back by two of Alessan’s brothers and six men with drawn swords. “Campen has the Healer Hall as well as the Masterharper to instruct him in the emergency.” Alessan moderated his harsh tone. He must not alienate Tolocamp. He’d need Tolocamp’s support with some of the older men in his Hold who were not yet accustomed to taking orders from someone as young and untried in Holding. “As the drum message said, two to four days’ incubation. You’ve been here a day already,” he added persuasively, glancing up at the noon-high sun. “In another day, if you show no signs of discomfort yourself, you could discreetly return to Fort Hold. Meanwhile, you should set an example.”

“Yes, well. Hold one, hold all.” Tolocamp’s expression mellowed.

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern


“It is true that it would be very poor discipline for me to break a quarantine.” He became noticeably more amenable. “This outbreak is probably confined to the racing flats. I never have followed the sport.” A disdainful wave of his hand dismissed one of the major pastimes of Pem.

Alessan did not take umbrage because a party of men now bore purposefully down on the two Lords Holder, their expressions determined and anxious.

“Lord Alessan …”

“Yes, Turvine,” Alessan replied to the man, a crop holder in the southeastern comer of Ruatha. His companions were herdsmen.

“We’ve no drums near us and we’re expected back. I’m not one to go against Healer’s advice but there are other considerations. We can’t bide here …”

Makfar had noticed the deputation and, although Alessan gave Turvine his complete attention, he was aware that his brother had signaled several armed holders to converge.

“You’ll bide here! That’s my order!” Alessan spoke forcefully and the men backed off, looking uncertainly for support from Tolocamp. The Fort Holder stiffened, ignoring their tacit plea. Alessan raised his voice, projecting it beyond the group to those watching and listening from the roadway and the forecourt. “The drums have decreed the quarantine! I am your Lord Holder. As surely as if Thread were Falling, you are under my orders. No one, no animal leaves here until that drum”—Alessan jabbed his arm at the tower—“tells us that the quarantine is lifted!”

In the silence that ensued, Alessan strode rapidly toward the hall door, Tolocamp in step beside him.

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