McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 9

K’lon barely avoided falling into the appointed chair; his legs slid out in front of him as he slouched into the seat. Dangling helmet and goggles from one limp hand, he accepted the mug from S’peren.

“Take a long swallow now, K’lon,” Leri said kindly. “It’ll restore your blood to normal temperature after all that betweening. You’re nearly as blue as Rogeth. There! That tastes good, doesn’t it? A brew of my own to hearten the weary.” Though her voice was kind, she watched K’lon intently. “Now, what news from the halls?”

K’lon’s weary face brightened. “There is good news. Master Capiam really is recovering. I spoke to Desdra. He’s weak but he’s swearing out loud. She said they’d probably have to tether him to his bed to keep him there long enough to regain his strength. He’s yell-ing for Records. Best of all”—K’lon seemed to shrug off his fatigue in his cheerful recital—“he insists that the disease itself doesn’t cause the deaths. People are actually dying from other things, like pneumonia and bronchitis and other respiratory ailments. Avoid those and” —K’lon made a wide sweep of his hand, his helmet and goggles clacking together—“all’s well.” Then his expression altered dolefully. “Only that’s just not possible in the Holds, you know. So many people crammed into inadequate space … and not enough facilities … especially now, when it’s got so cold. The Lords Holder would put people into hide tents that are well enough for a Gather but not for the sick. I’ve been everywhere. Even holds that don’t

know what’s been happening elsewhere and think it’s only them that’re in deep trouble. I’ve been so many places …” His face turned bleak and his body slumped deeper into the chair.

“A’murry?” Leri spoke the green rider’s name gently.

K’lon’s misery broke through the tight hold he must be keeping on his private anxiety. “He’s got a chest infection—one of the weyrfolk nursing him had a bad cold.” His condemnation was plain. “Fortine gave me a special mixture and a comfrey salve for his chest. I made A’murry take the first dose and it really did stop him midcough. And I rubbed the salve thick on his chest and back.” Some instinct made K’lon look at the other two riders and he saw their unvoiced apprehension. “I’ve got to go to A’murry. Whenever I can. I can’t give him what I’ve got over! And don’t tell me it’s enough that Rogeth and Granth stay in touch. I’m very much aware that they do, but I have a need to be with A’murry, too, you know.” K’lon’s face contorted. He looked about to break into tears, a display he averted by drinking deeply of the wine-laced klah. “That’s quite tasty, really,” he said courteously to Leri. Then he finished the drink. “Now, what else can I tell you from my …”

He paused, blinked, swallowed, and then his head began to loll to one side. Leri, who had been waiting for that, signaled urgently to S’peren.

“Perfectly timed, I think,” she said as S’peren caught K’lon before he slid from the chair. “Here.” She tossed a pillow and pulled the fur from her shoulders. “Roll him into this, pillow his head, and he’ll sleep a good twelve hours. Holth, be a pet and tell Rogeth to go curl up in his own weyr and get some rest. You”—she prodded the resisting flesh of her queen with her forefinger—“will keep your ears open for Granth.”

“What if he’s needed?” S’peren asked, arranging K’lon comfortably. “By the Halls or the Hold or A’murry?”

“A’murry is, of course, a priority,” Leri replied thoughtfully. “I can’t really condone his breaking of quarantine. I’ll think of some discipline later, for K’lon has disobeyed a direct order. I have just decided that we can use other messengers in K’lon’s place. Especially if most of what he does is convey supplies or healers. Weyrlings can do that! They’ll feel brave and daring, and be scared enough to be careful. Packages can certainly be deposited without making contact and messages collected at a discreet distance from cots. Let them

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practice setting down by a pennant instead of a ridge. Good practice.” Leri peered down critically at the sleeping K’lon. “However, you’d better circulate the news he brought us from the Hall—that the plague doesn’t kill. We must be more wary than ever for our convalescents. No one with the slightest sign of a head cold or even a pimple is to attend the riders.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne